Customer Analytics Assignments - Score 100 Percent



What is descriptive analytics?

Links the market to the firm through information

Systematic collection and interpretation of data

All answers are correct

Information needed for actionable decisions


When is exploratory analysis best utilized?

When the managerial problem is ambiguous

When the managerial problem is causal in nature

When the managerial problem is descriptive in nature


What is one problem with Marketing Research Online Communities?

Return on Investment is quite uncertain

It does not enhance enagagement with customers

Shorter deadlines are not possible


When are mobile surveys best?

For context-specific, at the moment surveys

For generic context-free surveys

For retrospective feedback



Why do people pay so much for Point of Sales (POS) data?

Timeliness of marketing activity

Accuracy of sales information

All answers are correct

Completeness of the data


What are some caveats with POS data?

Don't know customers purchases

Cannot make causal claims

Don't have information on brand-level promotions


What is sentiment analysis?

It quantifies the amount of promotional activity in POS data

It finds errors in any customer-level data

It is frequently used in social media data to quantify the valence of information


What is required for making the following causal statement: X causes Y?

Temporal antecedence of X

No third factor affecting both X and Y

All answers are correct

Correlation between X and Y


What is an example of active data collection?

Internet surfing data

TV viewing data

Mobile data



In Net Promotor Score surveys, how much do "promotors" score on a scale of 0-10.






1.      What is the goal of prescriptive analytics?

Optimize a function

Explain the relationship between actions and outcomes

Develop a model to describe the data

Make a recommendation on an action that will optimize a goal



When would descriptive and predictive results need additional analysis?

When the firm can make a choice of different actions to take

When there are multiple explanations to the same data we observe

When there is competition involved

All answers are correct

When there are strategic consumers involved



Which one of the following is an example of a goal/objective?

The price of a product

The quantity of a product sold

The color of a product

The shape of a product



What is an action?

(Please check all that apply)

The price of a product

A part of the model under the direct control of the firm

A choice that impacts the goal



What does a model do?

Shows in a graph how price changes with quantity

Tells us how to make the maximum profit

Finds a goal

Explain the relationship between actions and parameters to the goal



When does maximizing revenue also maximize profit?

(Please check all that apply)

When there is no cost to the product

When the marginal revenue equals marginal cost

When the marginal cost is zero



Why does it matter to know how a demand curve was generated?

Knowing the truth always helps

We may give a different recommendation for different models

Correlation does not imply causation

It helps find errors in the data



Which one of these is an example of a tradeoff?

Discounts on a product brings more buyers now and makes buyers wait for discounts in the future

Increasing the quality of a product increases it sales

Decreasing the cost of production increases profit

Showing more ads to consumers makes them buy more products



When do we have an attribution problem?

When consumers see many ads

When consumers see the same ads on multiple websites

When we run a campaign for a long time

When we use many websites to show ads



What does online retargeting do?

Tries to remind people to buy more

Targets consumers better with ads

Shows ads to people after they visited a specific website

Show lots of ads to people





Which type of data provides the most granular level of information about a given individual's customer behavior?


household-level scanner data from their home


market-level sales from where they live


aggregate tracking data for the websites that the person frequently visits


store-level data of the stores that they frequent



Which of the following is the biggest challenge to solving the "advertising attribution problem"?


Most websites don't keep a record of customer visits.


Tracking customers across digital properties is difficult.


There is not significant industry interest, hence no funding available.


There is not enough digital advertising so that the data is sparse.



When setting optimal prices, which of the following is a concern when utilizing a regression of observed sales on observed prices to set them?


Future prices might be outside the range of past prices.


There is not enough variation in observed prices.


Past observed prices are not randomly set.


All of these answers apply.



Which of the following is not a method used to track customers across webpages?


IP address tracking


Pop-up advertising


Registered user login


Cookie insertion



Which of the following are threats to Amazons's use of advanced predictive shipping?


An inability to do prediction at the individual customer level


Lack of data at the individual customer level


None of the answers are correct


A lack of local distribution centers



Which of the following is necessary when running a field experiment?


Massive sample size


Randomization of participants to treatment and control conditions


GPS tracking of individual's location


A lack of competitor interference



Which of the following customers would have a higher expected customer lifetime value?


A customer who spends $200 per year, but has a 30% churn propensity per year.


A customer who spends $100 per year, but has a 10% churn propensity per year.


A customer who spends $150 per year, but has a 20% churn propensity per year.


A customer who spends $250 per year but has a 40% churn propensity per year.



Which of the following statements are correct?


None of these statements is always true.


The most valuable customers to a firm in the future are those with the lowest propensity to churn in the future.


The most valuable customers to a firm in the future are those that currently spend the most.


The most valuable customers to a firm in the future are those with the highest referral value.



When targeting customers for optimal marketing, which of the following rank ordering of customers from highest to lowest is most appropriate to determine which customers to target?


Highest to lowest current period spend


Highest to lowest time with the firm


Highest to lowest marketing effectiveness


Highest to lowest CLV



Which of the following is GPS-based tracking likely to enable firms to do?


Provide targeted advertisements at optimal times


Raise CLV


All of these are correct


Lower churn rates