MA260 Statistical Analysis I - Assignment 4 Mini Study 1

Mini- Study Part I

In this course you will conduct a mini study. You will survey 50 people through any method you choose to find out information on your topic. You will then calculate the statistics for your data. It is important to remember your mini study should use quantitative values since this is a statistics course so you can complete the required calculations. When you pick a topic, make sure it is something people are comfortable answering and that you only use adults. Complete this worksheet and then begin your survey once it is graded so that you can write up your results in Module 7.




State your topic


Who is the population for your claim? Justify your statement.


What question(s) will you ask in your survey to gather data on your claim? Explain the rationale for each question.


What variables will be in your study? What type of variable are they (ordinal, nominal, discrete, continuous, etc)?


Where will you post your survey and how will it reach your target population? (Facebook, email, in person, etc)


How will you collect your data? (Survey Monkey, Facebook Question, By hand/Excel, etc)


What type of sampling method will you use? Justify your choice and cite a reference supporting your decision.


What 2 types of graphs that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision.
*Hint: think about if your data may have outliers, is quantitative, is categorical vs interval, etc.


What 8 descriptive statistics that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision. *Hint: think about if the data has outliers, is quantitative, is categorical vs interval, etc. *Note: if you have more than one survey question you can count statistics on EACH*


MA260 Statistical Analysis I Assignment 7 - Mini Study Part II

Mini- Study Part II

Answer the questions below about your data adhering to the outlined criteria in complete sentences. Cite any outside sources that are used.




Treat your data just as you would one of the datasets from the homework. Be sure you include appropriate measures of central tendency and dispersion etc.


Construct a frequency distribution using 5 –8 classes.


Create 2 different but appropriate visual representations of your data (pie chart, bar graph, etc). You MUST use Excel to do this.


Complete the calculations for the 8 statistics you identified in your worksheet in week 3. You MUST use Excel to do this.


Write a brief paragraph describing the meaning or interpretation for EACH of the statistics. For example, if some of the statistics chosen were the mean, median and mode, which is the best measure?


Construct a 95% Confidence Interval to estimate the population mean/proportion in the claim.


Complete the calculations for the 8 statistics you identified in your What can you conclude from this result regarding the topic?


Write up the responses to these questions in an APA paper between 500-1,000 words.



SP180 Principles of Public Speaking - Module 5 Assignment Audience Analysis and Outline for Persuasive Speech


I.               Assignment Instructions

A.           Outline + Audience Analysis for Persuasive Speech

This is a two-part assignment that you will turn in using one file: Audience Analysis & Persuasive Speech Outline.

Choose one of the following scenarios as the basis for both Assignments in Modules 5 & 7.

·         Scenario 1: Imagine that you have been invited to an upper-level management meeting at the company that you work for (currently or one you hope to work for). You are going to deliver a persuasive speech to persuade the management team to either change a policy or add a specific resource to their company budget.

·         Scenario 2: Imagine that you have been invited to deliver a speech at a town hall meeting. You are going to deliver a persuasive speech to persuade citizens in your community to vote yes toward the allocation of city funds towards a project or cause that you believe will benefit all members of your community.

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. You must use the template provided.

Click on the icon below to download the template.  Use this to complete your assignment.

1.                 Part 1: Audience Analysis (DUE MODULE 5)

Based on the scenario you chose for your persuasive speech for this class, analyze your audience. Describe your audience and determine how you might tailor your content to appeal to your specific audience. Full sentences are not required in your Audience Analysis.

  1. Re-read Chapter 11 from your online textbook and the Six Minutes blog posts by Andrew Dlugan to help you understand more fully what is required in your analysis.
  2. Complete the provided template based on your analysis.
    1. Audience Demographics: complete both columns at least half of the criteria.
    2. Audience Attitudes: complete both columns for the one criterion.
    3. Audience Expectations: complete both columns at least half of the criteria.




[Student Name]

[Student Identification Number]

SP180 Principles of Public Speaking

Assignment 5: Audience Analysis and Outline

[Date of Submission]



[Topic or title of your speech]

[Describe your audience in 20 or fewer words]

Audience Demographics (see pages 58-62 in textbook)

For five or more of these demographic criteria, complete the two columns on the right.


Describe your audience based on the criteria in left column

How might you tailor your content to appeal to your audience?

Average age



Age range (youngest – oldest)



Generational group (choose from: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and/or Millennials?)



Proportion of males and females



Relational arrangements (choose from: married, single, divorced, and/or domestic partnership?)



Cultural groups and in what proportion



Socioeconomic composition






Religious groups




Audience Attitudes (see pages 62-63 in textbook)

Complete the two columns on the right.


Describe your audience

How might you tailor your content to appeal to your audience?

Choose from the following: Highly favorable, mostly favorable, neutral, mostly unfavorable, mostly unfavorable

[use one of the favorability terms in the cell to the left]


Audience Expectations (see pages 63-64 in your textbook)

For three or more of these audience expectation criteria, complete the two columns on the right.


Describe your audience

How might you tailor your content to appeal to your audience?

Is their attendance mandatory or voluntary?



What do they know about your topic?



What do they think about you?



What is the history of your audience as a group?



What is the program surrounding your speech?




NOTE: This Audience Analysis Worksheet was inspired by one shared by Andrew Dlugan on his Six Minutes blog ( ).


[PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE USING MONROE'S MOTIVATED SEQUENCE – Replace this with the title of your speech]

I.                    Introduction (Attention)

A.                  Gain Attention:

B.                  Establish Your Credibility:

C.                  Central Idea:

D.                 Preview Your Main Points:                                                     

II.                  Body of the Presentation (Need, Satisfaction & Visualization)

A.                  Need: [Exactly what is the problem with the current situation?]     

1.                  Supporting material: [Supporting material should include statistics, or research from credible sources. Each source must be referenced in your speech. For example you would say, "According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics...." or "In the February 2016 issue of Forbes Magazine, Bill Gates said, '....'  Any source that you reference in your speech must appear in the reference list]

2.                  Supporting material:  

B.                  Satisfaction: [What it will take to resolve the need?]

1.                  Supporting material:  

2.                  Supporting material:

C.                  Visualization: [What will life be like once this need is satisfied? Be very descriptive.]        

1.                  Supporting material:

2.                  Supporting material:  

III.                Conclusion (Action)

A.                  Briefly Summarize Your Main Points




B.                  Conclude with a Call to Action: [What do you want your audience to do NOW as a result of listening to your speech? Be extremely specific with your Call to Action]






[List your references here in APA style and in alphabetical order based on the author's or authors' last name. Notice that you will use a hanging indent for the formatting. Visit the Ashworth College Learning Resource Center or the Purdue Online Writing Lab for more specifics on creating your reference list.]