BUS 3041- week 5 Assignment-3 -NLRB Case Analysis

Week 5 Assignment 3 Final Project
This week you will need to use the South University Online Library to locate the required case study needed for this assignment. Click on the “Library and Tutoring Services” tab in the left navigation bar. Log in to the South University Online Library using the information provided. Search the library for “NLRB Upholds Employer’s E-mail Policy Prohibiting “Non-Job” Related Solicitations”. Please see attached PDF file. 
Lavin, H. & DiMichele, E. (2008) NLRB upholds employer’s e-mail policy prohibiting “non-job” related solicitations. Employee Relations Law Journal, 2008, 34(l) 88-93. 
Write a case analysis of the case. See “Week 5_Assignment 3_Case Guidelines.doc” case analysis guidelines for final project. 
Write a critical analysis of the issues from your week's studies that apply to the case. Submit the final work to the W5: Assignment 3 Dropbox.

Answer is 5 page long and in required template.

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