Week-1 Assignment-2
This assignment consists of three parts.
1. From the textbook, read the closing case at the end of Chapter 1. Prepare a response to the following questions:
o Which parties experience advantages from the globalization of the flat-panel industry?
o Which parties experience disadvantages from the globalization of the flat-panel industry?
o What would happen, if the U.S. required that all flat-panel displays sold in the U.S. would also have to be manufactured in the U.S.?
o What does this case tell us about the future of production in an increasingly global economy?
2. Research another industry that has experienced globalization or may be a good candidate for globalization in the future and share your example with the class and explain why you selected the industry.
3. Choose two countries (other than the U.S.) within the same region of the world. Assess the political risks, economic risks, and legal risks of each country. If you had to invest a large sum of money into one of these two countries, which one would it be? Why?
Week-1 Assignment-3
Assignment 3: Dropbox Assignment
Country Research
China is on track to become the world's largest economy in coming years. Research the implications of this development and draft a document addressing the following:
• What would be the impact of China's economy on:
o The world trading system
o The world monetary system
o Western-based global corporations
• How might the concepts of guanxi and guanxiwang come into play? Are there any ethical considerations for a western business?
• Discuss three cultural tips for US businesspeople doing business in China.
Please provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
Support your responses with examples.
Week-2 Assignment-1
Corruption Index and Trade Restrictions
The corruption perceptions index (CPI) is a comparative assessment of integrity performance for a variety of countries.
• What is CPI? What is its purpose?
• What is the value of this index?
• What are the trends or similarities between countries with the highest and lowest CPI 2011 scores?
• What can be done to overcome corruption in the global marketplace?
Research three trade restrictions currently in place by the U.S. and basis the research, answer the following questions:
• Are these restrictions a tariff, subsidy, import restraint, voluntary export restraint, or embargo?
• What is the purpose of this restriction? Is the restriction achieving its purpose? Why or why not?
Week-2 Asignment-2
Applying Porter's Diamond
Apply Porter's diamond of national advantage framework to an industry and the country you have chosen. Based on the four points of the diamond, are firms likely to be successful? Is there any chance of governmental variables at play in your industry or country? If so, how might they improve or detract from national advantage?
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 slides summarizing your findings. Be sure to use graphics or illustrations to enhance your presentation. Visual interest and professionalism should be taken into consideration as you present the information.
Add additional content in the Notes section of the presentation.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Submission Details
Week-3 Assignment-1
Make a case for and against an establishment of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) between the U.S. and Canada.
• What are possible effects of such an agreement on North American businesses, North American consumers, and other nations?
• Are there any impediments to integration between the U.S. and Canada?
• How might the establishment of the FTAA impact the strategy of North American businesses?
Click here to watch IMF video, "IMF Outlook for Korea." After watching the video, answer these questions:
• What is the IMF's overall outlook for Korea?
• What impact will the condition of the global economy have on the country?
• What are the domestic risks facing Korea?
• What actions should the Korean government take?
Week-3 Assignmnet-2
Opening a New Factory
Your firm is considering to open a new factory via direct investment in Latin America and management is evaluating the specific country locations for this project. The pool of candidate countries has been narrowed to Honduras, Chile, and Mexico.
• Discuss the national differences in political economy between these three countries.
• Discuss any cultural barriers your firm may experience in each of the three countries.
• Find each country's rating on the corruptions perceptions index (CPI).
• Click here to read the country commercial guides (CCGs) prepared by the U.S. Department of State. Based on the reading, compare the FDI climate and regulations of these three countries.
Based on your findings, prepare a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document addressing the above questions and making a recommendation to your firm as to which country would be the best choice for your new factory.
Week-4 Assignment-1
Modes of Entry
Provide a scenario where a company would enter a foreign market using the following modes of entry. Be sure to provide one scenario for each mode:
• Exporting
• Licensing
• Franchising
• Creating a turnkey project
• Establishing joint ventures
• Setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary
Give justification for your choices using the advantages or disadvantages for each mode discussed in course readings.
Read the closing case from the text at the end of Chapter 13. Prepare a response to the following questions:
• Why did Megahertz adopt a strategy for export-led growth?
• In this case, why might the opportunities for growth be greater in foreign markets?
• Would developing countries be a major opportunity for Megahertz? Why or why not?
• What does the experience of Megahertz tell us about challenges facings small firms that want to export? Use specific examples from the case to support your answer.
• What other solutions might Megahertz have considered for its financing difficulties (other than selling the company)?
Week-4 Assignment-2
Credible Outside Research
Prepare a document based on credible research and course materials addressing the following:
• Discuss the four strategies firms can use when entering foreign markets.
• Using specific examples, describe the strategies used by the following companies in global expansion:
o Intel
o McDonald's
o Goya
o Boeing
o Coca-Cola
o Nokia
• Have any of these companies experiences an evolution of strategies as discussed in the text?
Please provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
Week-5 Assignment-1
Entering a Foreign Market
Imagine you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of paper products (including paper plates, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, and tissues). Your company is considering entering the Argentinean market. Consider the following:
Should the pricing decisions in Argentina be delegated to the local managers? Why or why not?
Should the advertising message that has been effective in the U.S. be used in Argentina? Why or why not?
What are some of the considerations that might be taken into account regarding product attributes?
Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 slides discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of staffing policy. Based on credible outside research, include a real-life example of where each type of policy has been successfully implemented. Be sure to use graphics or illustrations to enhance your presentation.
Week-5 Assignment-2
Part I
Select one of the poorest countries of the world (one with under $1000 gross domestic product [GDP] per capita). Research your chosen country and provide answers to the following questions:
• Does this country provide exports? If so, what products or services are exported?
• What quality or condition is the land in this country?
• What is the rate of unemployment?
• What is the education situation or level of education for the people in this country?
Based on the information provided, discern whether this country has any national competitive advantage and discuss whether free trade can benefit this country and, if so, how. Be specific in your response.
Part II
Based on your country of choice, develop scenarios where firms may invest in your country using the following strategies:
• Global standardization strategy
• Localization strategy
• Transnational strategy
• International strategy
For each strategy, develop one scenario where an international firm would desire to enter the market of your chosen country. Describe the products or services offered by each firm and why the strategy was chosen. Cultural, political, and legal factors should be taken into consideration, as well as any informal or formal trade barriers.
Provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

This assignment consists of three parts.
1. From the textbook, read the closing case at the end of Chapter 1. Prepare a response to the following questions:
o Which parties experience advantages from the globalization of the flat-panel industry?
o Which parties experience disadvantages from the globalization of the flat-panel industry?
o What would happen, if the U.S. required that all flat-panel displays sold in the U.S. would also have to be manufactured in the U.S.?
o What does this case tell us about the future of production in an increasingly global economy?
2. Research another industry that has experienced globalization or may be a good candidate for globalization in the future and share your example with the class and explain why you selected the industry.
3. Choose two countries (other than the U.S.) within the same region of the world. Assess the political risks, economic risks, and legal risks of each country. If you had to invest a large sum of money into one of these two countries, which one would it be? Why?
Week-1 Assignment-3
Assignment 3: Dropbox Assignment
Country Research
China is on track to become the world's largest economy in coming years. Research the implications of this development and draft a document addressing the following:
• What would be the impact of China's economy on:
o The world trading system
o The world monetary system
o Western-based global corporations
• How might the concepts of guanxi and guanxiwang come into play? Are there any ethical considerations for a western business?
• Discuss three cultural tips for US businesspeople doing business in China.
Please provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
Support your responses with examples.
Week-2 Assignment-1
Corruption Index and Trade Restrictions
The corruption perceptions index (CPI) is a comparative assessment of integrity performance for a variety of countries.
• What is CPI? What is its purpose?
• What is the value of this index?
• What are the trends or similarities between countries with the highest and lowest CPI 2011 scores?
• What can be done to overcome corruption in the global marketplace?
Research three trade restrictions currently in place by the U.S. and basis the research, answer the following questions:
• Are these restrictions a tariff, subsidy, import restraint, voluntary export restraint, or embargo?
• What is the purpose of this restriction? Is the restriction achieving its purpose? Why or why not?
Week-2 Asignment-2
Applying Porter's Diamond
Apply Porter's diamond of national advantage framework to an industry and the country you have chosen. Based on the four points of the diamond, are firms likely to be successful? Is there any chance of governmental variables at play in your industry or country? If so, how might they improve or detract from national advantage?
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 slides summarizing your findings. Be sure to use graphics or illustrations to enhance your presentation. Visual interest and professionalism should be taken into consideration as you present the information.
Add additional content in the Notes section of the presentation.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Submission Details
Week-3 Assignment-1
Make a case for and against an establishment of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) between the U.S. and Canada.
• What are possible effects of such an agreement on North American businesses, North American consumers, and other nations?
• Are there any impediments to integration between the U.S. and Canada?
• How might the establishment of the FTAA impact the strategy of North American businesses?
Click here to watch IMF video, "IMF Outlook for Korea." After watching the video, answer these questions:
• What is the IMF's overall outlook for Korea?
• What impact will the condition of the global economy have on the country?
• What are the domestic risks facing Korea?
• What actions should the Korean government take?
Week-3 Assignmnet-2
Opening a New Factory
Your firm is considering to open a new factory via direct investment in Latin America and management is evaluating the specific country locations for this project. The pool of candidate countries has been narrowed to Honduras, Chile, and Mexico.
• Discuss the national differences in political economy between these three countries.
• Discuss any cultural barriers your firm may experience in each of the three countries.
• Find each country's rating on the corruptions perceptions index (CPI).
• Click here to read the country commercial guides (CCGs) prepared by the U.S. Department of State. Based on the reading, compare the FDI climate and regulations of these three countries.
Based on your findings, prepare a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document addressing the above questions and making a recommendation to your firm as to which country would be the best choice for your new factory.
Week-4 Assignment-1
Modes of Entry
Provide a scenario where a company would enter a foreign market using the following modes of entry. Be sure to provide one scenario for each mode:
• Exporting
• Licensing
• Franchising
• Creating a turnkey project
• Establishing joint ventures
• Setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary
Give justification for your choices using the advantages or disadvantages for each mode discussed in course readings.
Read the closing case from the text at the end of Chapter 13. Prepare a response to the following questions:
• Why did Megahertz adopt a strategy for export-led growth?
• In this case, why might the opportunities for growth be greater in foreign markets?
• Would developing countries be a major opportunity for Megahertz? Why or why not?
• What does the experience of Megahertz tell us about challenges facings small firms that want to export? Use specific examples from the case to support your answer.
• What other solutions might Megahertz have considered for its financing difficulties (other than selling the company)?
Week-4 Assignment-2
Credible Outside Research
Prepare a document based on credible research and course materials addressing the following:
• Discuss the four strategies firms can use when entering foreign markets.
• Using specific examples, describe the strategies used by the following companies in global expansion:
o Intel
o McDonald's
o Goya
o Boeing
o Coca-Cola
o Nokia
• Have any of these companies experiences an evolution of strategies as discussed in the text?
Please provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
Week-5 Assignment-1
Entering a Foreign Market
Imagine you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of paper products (including paper plates, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, and tissues). Your company is considering entering the Argentinean market. Consider the following:
Should the pricing decisions in Argentina be delegated to the local managers? Why or why not?
Should the advertising message that has been effective in the U.S. be used in Argentina? Why or why not?
What are some of the considerations that might be taken into account regarding product attributes?
Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 slides discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of staffing policy. Based on credible outside research, include a real-life example of where each type of policy has been successfully implemented. Be sure to use graphics or illustrations to enhance your presentation.
Week-5 Assignment-2
Part I
Select one of the poorest countries of the world (one with under $1000 gross domestic product [GDP] per capita). Research your chosen country and provide answers to the following questions:
• Does this country provide exports? If so, what products or services are exported?
• What quality or condition is the land in this country?
• What is the rate of unemployment?
• What is the education situation or level of education for the people in this country?
Based on the information provided, discern whether this country has any national competitive advantage and discuss whether free trade can benefit this country and, if so, how. Be specific in your response.
Part II
Based on your country of choice, develop scenarios where firms may invest in your country using the following strategies:
• Global standardization strategy
• Localization strategy
• Transnational strategy
• International strategy
For each strategy, develop one scenario where an international firm would desire to enter the market of your chosen country. Describe the products or services offered by each firm and why the strategy was chosen. Cultural, political, and legal factors should be taken into consideration, as well as any informal or formal trade barriers.
Provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.