Business ethics set-1

Question 1 of 20

An __________ value is where a value is a good thing in itself and is pursued for its own sake.

A. intrinsic

B. extrinsic

C. instrumental

D. external

Question 2 of 20

The Greek philosopher Aristotle's belief in individual character and integrity established the concept of __________ ethics.

A. philosophical

B. virtuous

C. moral

D. societal

Question 3 of 20

__________ is a theory more focused on the outcome of your actions rather than the apparent virtue of the actions themselves.

A. Ethics for the greater good

B. Normative ethics

C. Ethical relativism

D. Utilitarianism

Question 4 of 20

An ethical __________ is a situation in which there is no obvious "right" or "wrong" decision, but rather a "right" or "right" answer.

A. choice

B. dilemma

C. impasse

D. preference

Question 5 of 20

The second step in the three-step process for solving an ethical problem is:

A. analyze the consequences.

B. analyze the problem.

C. make a decision.

D. analyze the actions.

Question 6 of 20

All of the following are questions identified by Arthur Dorbin to resolve an ethical dilemma EXCEPT for which one?

A. What do your feelings tell you?

B. What are the alternatives?

C. What are the facts?

D. What will you think of yourself if you decide one thing or another?

Question 7 of 20

__________ looks at the information available to us in resolving an ethical dilemma, and drawing conclusions based on that information in relation to our own ethical standards.

A. Ethical framework

B. Philosophical logic

C. Ethical reasoning

D. Moral reasoning

Question 8 of 20

The __________ stage in Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of ethical reasoning is focused on the avoidance of punishment and deference to power and authority.

A. "good boy/nice girl" orientation

B. law and order orientation

C. principled conscience

D. obedience and punishment orientation

Question 9 of 20

At the __________ stage in Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of ethical reasoning, a person is focused on self-chosen ethical principles that are found to be comprehensive and consistent.

A. "good boy/nice girl" orientation

B. law and order orientation

C. principled conscience

D. obedience and punishment orientation

Question 10 of 20

Kohlberg's framework offers us a clearer view into the process of:

A. resolving ethical dilemmas.

B. ethical reasoning.

C. ethical relativism.

D. applied ethics.

Question 11 of 20

__________ have a share or interest in a business enterprise.

A. Shareholders

B. Board of directors

C. Stakeholders

D. Employees

Question 12 of 20

Employees could be negatively impacted by unethical corporate behavior by:

A. loss of stock value.

B. loss of employment.

C. poor service quality.

D. loss of principle and interest payments.

Question 13 of 20

__________ governance is the system by which business corporations are directed and controlled.

A. Local

B. State

C. Federal

D. Corporate

Question 14 of 20

__________ was a major ethical dilemma in the 1980's.

A. Drug use escalates

B. Changing work ethic

C. Bribes and illegal contracting practices

D. International corruption

Question 15 of 20

__________ was a business ethics development in the 1990's.

A. Class action lawsuits

B. Federal Corrupt Practices Act

C. Defense Industry Initiative Established

D. Anticorruption efforts grow

Question 16 of 20

Global expansion brought new ethical challenges in the:

A. 2000s.

B. 1960s.

C. 1980s.

D. 1990s.

Question 17 of 20

__________ has introduced greater accountability for chief executive officers and boards of directors in signing off on the financial performance records of the organizations they represent.

A. Global Sullivan Principals

B. Federal Corrupt Practices Act

C. 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act

D. False Claims Act

Question 18 of 20

The issue of corporate __________ has been advanced from an abstract debate to a core performance assessment issue with clearly established legal liabilities.

A. ethics

B. social responsibility

C. donations

D. community involvement

Question 19 of 20

A situation in which there is no obvious "right" or "wrong" decision, but rather a "right" or "right" answer refers to which of these?

A. Ethical dilemma

B. Moral manifestation

C. Absolute ethics

D. Unethical dilemma

Question 20 of 20

The notion that anything that isn't specifically labeled as wrong must be okay and an open invitation for the ethically challenged employer and employee – especially if there are __________ rewards for such "creativity" within those newly expanded ethical limits.

A. implicit

B. explicit

C. undefined

D. large