Canada Singapore Culture-negotiate

Our business organization is a Canadian corporation located in Vancouver, Canada. Your international team will be negotiating with businesses in Singapore as potential suppliers for a major purchase of key components used for manufacturing your products. In preparation for business negotiations research these countries and document each country's cultural and ethnic composition as well as the populations' ethnic makeup, include percentages Examine the cultural and ethnic differences of your two selected countries. Identify the business etiquette and business practices your negotiation team will face. Determine the appropriate negotiation tactic that would be most effective in reaching your objective. How would you conduct the negotiation in order to be successful?

Prepare a 1,000-word minimum paper in which you consider how you would prepare for negotiations based on the scenario. Identify negotiation tactics that would be effective in reaching your objective. Identify negotiation tactics that would be ineffective when dealing with the selected country, and explain why those tactics would be ineffective.

In addition to your essay, Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of 5 to 7 slides with speaker's notes that explains how to negotiate across cultures based on the scenario.

Answer is 1300 words with references and citations. Presentation has 7 slides with speaker's note.