Marketing Research ET-7

Question 1 of 20

While preparing data, Sheila identifies a number of tasks that have to be performed. She should begin with which of the following?

A. Data validation

B. Editing and coding

C. Data analysis

D. Data entry

Question 2 of 20

An example of curbstoning is when the:

A. respondents improperly fill out the questionnaire.

B. interviewer fills out the instrument without interviewing the respondent.

C. interviewer contacts respondents by phone and then records their observations.

D. interviewer interviews respondents and records their observations.

Question 3 of 20

If a researcher recontacts a respondent to collect information on a question that was accidentally skipped by the interviewer, the researcher is checking which area of concern while editing data?

A. Courtesy and respect

B. Accurate recording of answer

C. Correct screening questions

D. Reponses to open-ended items

Question 4 of 20

The first step in developing codes for the anticipated responses to open-ended questions is:

A. consolidation of responses.

B. generating a list of potential responses.

C. assigning a numerical value as a code.

D. assigning a value to each response.

Question 5 of 20

Assume that for a data field, only the codes 1 or 2 should appear. If a researcher mistakenly inputs any other number (say, 3), an error message is immediately displayed on the screen. This indicates that the software being used for data entry probably has a(n):

A. data input detection system.

B. input error capture mechanism.

C. error edit routine.

D. catch-error template.

Question 6 of 20

One-way tabulation can do all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. determine the amount of non-response to individual questions in a questionnaire.

B. tabulate responses to one question against those to another question.

C. locate mistakes in data entry.

D. profile sample respondents.

Question 7 of 20

Calculate the range of the following raw responses: 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8.

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

Question 8 of 20

Which of the following measures is an indicator of how similar or dissimilar the numbers are in the set of responses?

A. Cross-tabulations

B. Mean

C. Median

D. Standard deviation

Question 9 of 20

Which of the following measures is especially useful when dealing with ordinal data and data that is skewed to either the right or left?

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Mode

D. Standard deviation

Question 10 of 20

Variance is:

A. the average squared deviations about the mean of a distribution of values.

B. an empirically testable statement that is an unproven supposition developed in order to explain phenomena.

C. a statement that asserts the status quo; that is, any change from what has been thought to be true is due to random sampling order.

D. a statement that is the opposite of the null hypothesis.

Question 11 of 20

Which of the following statements is FALSE about cross-tabulation?

A. It is the primary form of data analysis in some marketing research projects.

B. It is used to determine if differences exist among sub-groups of the total sample.

C. Generally speaking, demographic variables are used as rows and other research variables are used as columns in a cross-tab.

D. It reports both absolute frequencies as well as percentages.

Question 12 of 20

Which of the following statements about the Chi-square test is FALSE?

A. When the differences between observed and expected frequencies are large, one must accept the null hypothesis.

B. The larger the Chi-square, the more related the two variables are.

C. The expected frequencies are theoretically calculated.

D. The Chi-square test is also called a "goodness of fit" test.

Question 13 of 20

In a one-way ANOVA, the term one-way is used because:

A. the differences are always positive because they are all squared before being added.

B. the F-statistic can move in only one direction.

C. only one independent variable is used in the analysis.

D. only one mean is used as the null hypothesis.

Question 14 of 20

Which of the following statements about Scheffe test is INCORRECT?

A. It is a kind of a follow-up (or post hoc) test.

B. It is a rather conservative test.

C. It is equivalent to simultaneous two-tailed hypothesis tests.

D. The confidence intervals tend to be narrower in this method than in other methods.

Question 15 of 20

When knowledge about the behavior of one variable allows you to predict the behavior of another variable, this is another way of studying the __________ of the relationship.

A. presence

B. direction

C. strength of association

D. type

Question 16 of 20

While studying the relationship between advertising and sales growth, a researcher determines that the relationship is sometimes weak and at other times moderate. This variation from one situation to another is the variation in the __________ of the relationship between advertisement and sales growth.

A. strength of association

B. presence

C. type

D. direction

Question 17 of 20

A researcher finds that the correlation coefficient between two variables is 0.20. She wants to know if this level of correlation is meaningful from a managerial perspective or not. She is interested in determining the __________ significance of her results.

A. statistical

B. determination

C. linearity

D. substantive

Question 18 of 20

In bivariate regression analysis, the procedure used to determine the best fitting line is called the __________ procedure.

A. least squares

B. squared error

C. sum of errors

D. least error

Question 19 of 20

If a researcher is interested in measuring the effect of two independent variables on a dependent variable, he/she should use:

A. pearson correlation coefficient.

B. spearman correlation coefficient.

C. bivariate regression analysis.

D. multiple regression analysis.

Question 20 of 20

Multicollinearity is:

A. a statistical procedure that estimates regression equation coefficients which produce the lowest sum of squared differences between the actual and predicted values of the dependent variable.

B. a statistical technique which analyzes the linear relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables by estimating coefficients for the equation for a straight line.

C. an estimated regression coefficient which has been recalculated to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.

D. a situation in which several independent variables are highly correlated with each other.