MCQ Research Methodology

1.-If hypotheses are supported by a growing body of data, they evolve into:
2. In identifying sub-problems, the researcher must make sure that every sub-problem:
-contains a word that indicates a requirement to interpret data.
-contains a reference to previous research.
-is easy to read.
-contains a pseudo sub-problem.
3. When you specify that no difference will exist between groups, you are forming a(n):
-null hypothesis.
-research hypothesis.
-alternative hypothesis.
-marginal hypothesis
4. An important feature of most word processors is:
-they have search and replace features.
-they are very economical to purchase.
-they are completely interchangeable.
-they can perform basis statistical operations.
5. Which scale of measurement is appropriate to use in calculating a mean?
6. Developing a hypothesis from an observation is known as?
-Inductive reasoning
-Deductive reasoning
-Scientific method
-Critical thinking
7. In collaboration with others, a researcher seeks all of the following processes except:
-critical thinking.
-inductive thinking.
-publication records.
-theory building.
8. If using a checklist for interviewing an expert researcher which of the following questions would you choose to begin your interview:
-How did you become an expert researcher?
-What specific tools should I use in my research?
-What tools do you use in your research?
-How do you start a research project?
9. Tentative explanations that new data either supports or does not support are:
-sub problems.
10. A research problem must be unmistakably clear, carefully phrased, and represent the:
-single goal of the research effort.
-intended finding of the research.
-the delimitations of the project.
-the pseudo sub-problem anticipated in the project.

1.-__________ employs a formal, scientific style using impersonal language.
-Quantitative research
-Qualitative research
2. To locate a specific book, you should consult:
-M.L.A. Index and Bibliography.
-Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory.
-Books in Print.
-Dissertation Abstracts International.
3. Statistically-based research with known variables is supported by:
-quantitative research.
-qualitative research.
4. __________ is not part of a research proposal.
-Data collection
5. An effective approach to focus attention as you read the literature is to:
-write the problem and sub-problems on a sheet of paper.
-list the library locations of the papers you will need to obtain.
-write the delimitations on the project on a sheet of paper.
-list the names of papers related to your topic.
6. In synthesizing what you have learned from the review of published research, you should avoid:
-comparing and contrasting various theoretical perspectives on the topic.
-showing how approaches to the topic have changed over time.
-describing general trends in research findings.
-taking the author's conclusions at face value.
7. Research proposals typically have weaknesses in:
-statement of the research problem.
-the analysis of data.
-the statement of results.
8. When the use of human subjects is required in a study, the researcher must ensure that the:
-participant's performance is voluntary.
-participants do not know what the nature of the research concerns.
-the participants do not know one another.
-the measurement instrument is unfamiliar to the participants.
9. A student research proposal has two distinct advantages: it communicates to the student's advisor what the student intends to do, and it:
-satisfies the requirements for a course.
-gives the student an opportunity to learn about the library.
-provides a literature review of the research topic.
-helps the student organize the research activity.
10. Experience has shown that:
-the feasibility of a research project is a secondary concern.
-developing a research and writing schedule is a very effective strategy.
-obtaining IRB approval is not critical in developing a plan of attack.
-justifying proposal methodology is not necessary in the research process

1.-For a researcher to use the results obtained from a sample so as to make generalizations about the population the:
-population must be large.
-population and the sample must be the same.
-sample size must be large.
-sample must be representative of the population.
2. Which of the following sequences representing the steps for analyzing data are applicable for using most qualitative studies?
-The raw data, synthesis, classification, perusal, organization, and final report
-The synthesis, raw data, classification, perusal, organization, and final report
-The organization, perusal, raw data, classification, synthesis, and final report
-The raw data, organization, perusal, classification, synthesis, and final report
3. Judging a document to be authentic or not authentic is a type of evaluation called?
-External evidence and internal evidence (here I have a confusion. I know it is external evidence or external criticism. But not sure if it is internal evidence also. Only option containing external evidence is this one)
-Internal evidence or internal criticism
-Exclusion evidence or exclusion criticism
-Inclusion evidence or inclusion criticism
4. Comparing the activities of senior citizens who are 60, 70, and 80 is a __________ development study.
5. Developing historical data requires:
-knowledge of historical time and historical space.
-an objective measure of events and a list of persons involved.
-an objective measure of events and a map of the location.
-a map of the location and a list of persons involved.
6. You should choose to do a qualitative study if you want to:
-identify cause-and-effect relationships.
-test a particular theory.
-identify the correct statistical test to be used.
-develop new concepts or theoretical perspectives about a particular phenomenon.
7. Research that involves the study of how a particular characteristic changes over time is __________ research?
8. Simple chronology is not defined as historical research because:
-it is only a listing of dates.
-it is only a listing of events.
-it is too objective.
-It does not interpret the meaning of events.
9. A variable that is influenced by the manipulated variable is called a(n):
-control variable.
-independent variable.
-dependent variable.
-confounding variable.
10. A form of qualitative study that is least likely to begin from a particular theoretical framework is a:
-content analysis study.
-grounded theory study.
-phenomenological study.
-ethnographic study.

1.-When the mode of a distribution falls either to the right or left of its mean, we have a __________ distribution.
2. Statistics that are not based on assumptions but the distribution of the data are called __________ statistics.
3. Incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis is called an:
-alpha error.
-Type II error.
-null hypothesis error.
-differential error.
4. All of the following are fallacies in interpreting data except:
-failure to inquire into the intrinsic nature of data.
-failure to exploit the data fully.
-going beyond the defensible meaning of the data.
-questioning whether dynamics within the data have relevance to other
5. The use of inferential statistics to analyze and draw conclusions about other researchers' analysis is known as:
-parametric analysis.
-nonparametric analysis.
-hypotheses analysis.
6. When you want to make a statement about a population using information from a sample, you use __________ statistics.
7. The essence of research is the:
-statement of the problem.
-interpretation of the data.
-description of the methods.
-statement of the conclusions.
8. In developing a workable schedule for preparing a research report:
-develop a moderate schedule assuming no delays will occur.
-develop a moderate schedule assuming all tasks will be completed in the
shortest time possible.
-develop a moderate schedule that incorporates two or three revisions.
-develop a reasonable schedule and then triple the estimated time required to complete all tasks.
9. As a rule of thumb, material appearing in the appendix:
-is of primary importance.
-enables the reader to go farther in their understanding.
-contains acknowledgements.
-lists tables and figures.
10. As a rule of thumb, the statement of the problem and any other information required to understand it should:
-follow a review of the literature section.
-comprise the first section or chapter of the research report.
-be a part of the discussion and conclusion section.
-be broad enough for the reader to form their specific definition of the problem.