Unit-4 Value Chain Analysis - Microsoft

Value Chain Analysis
The main purpose of this assignment is for you to identify and analyze elements of the value chain and demonstrate your understanding of how they must interact to create value for the organization. The intent is for you to review the present, or relatively recent value chain of the company you chose in the Unit 2 Value Chain Analysis Discussion. Be sure to consider that the past reputation of a company may not be true today. In this first paragraph, introduce the purpose of this paper. This first paragraph is an introduction … and when we use APA we do not add a section header called introduction as it is assumed that the first paragraph after the main header is the introduction. This paper should be at least ten pages but not more than twelve pages, not including the title and reference page. It is important to be thorough and succinct when addressing all of the assignment's requirements.
Demand Chain Analysis
Here, in this section, you will analyze the demand chain … this first portion will be an overview then you will use the following three subsections to review the demand chain in more depth. You care about details to demonstrate your clear understanding of each of these important aspects of the demand chain.
Identification of Customer, Market, Wants and Needs
Describe and be specific!
Market Opportunity Analysis
Describe and be specific!
Identification and Analysis of Value Drivers
Describe and be specific!
Value Proposition
Identify the value proposition from two perspectives … this first portion will be an overview then you will use the following two subsections to review the value proposition in more depth. The more specific detail, example and analysis you offer, the better will be the perception of your understanding of the Value Proposition's role in a successful Value Chain.
Value Proposition as related to Demand Chain
Describe and be specific!
Value Proposition as related to Supply Chain
Describe and be specific!
Supply Chain Analysis
Analyze the supply chain … this first portion will be an overview then you will use the following three subsections to review the supply chain in more depth.
Value Production and Coordination
Describe and be specific!
Value Delivery
Describe and be specific!
Value Servicing
Describe and be specific!
Enterprise Value
Analyze the enterprise value … this first portion will be an overview then you will use the following three subsections to review the enterprise value in more depth. Be detailed! Use examples! Cite references!
Industry Drivers
Describe and be specific!
Competitive Advantage
Describe and be specific!
Customer Delight
Describe and be specific!
Recap the value chain analysis completed in the paper. No new information should appear in this section.