Case Study 1: Baidu: Beating Google at Its Game
Read the case study located on page 16 of the section titled Case Studies in your textbook and prepare a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document, based on the following situation:
At the conclusion of Baidu's final strategic planning session, Robin Li (Cofounder, Chairman, and CEO) assigned you to prepare a written report and announcement that would be presented to the company's shareholders and included in a public statement. The purpose of the report is to summarize the strategic direction for Baidu moving forward and to highlight key decisions made to exploit the company's capabilities, address competitive realities, maximize performance, and secure a long-term position for the company.
Your report should address the following key strategic issues:
• Summarize Baidu's current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
• Define the company's strategic goals.
• Discuss the characteristics of Baidu's competitive landscape and the need for strategic flexibility.
• Considering the company's current situation, summarize the strategic direction Li has decided to pursue.
• Explain how this strategy will stand up against the competition and conditions in the industry.
• Discuss the uncertainties and risks of doing business in different regions throughout the world.
• Discuss the elements and objectives of Baidu's cooperative strategy. What potential risks can interfere with achievement of immediate and long-term strategic goals? How should Baidu protect itself to sustain success?

Read the case study located on page 16 of the section titled Case Studies in your textbook and prepare a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document, based on the following situation:
At the conclusion of Baidu's final strategic planning session, Robin Li (Cofounder, Chairman, and CEO) assigned you to prepare a written report and announcement that would be presented to the company's shareholders and included in a public statement. The purpose of the report is to summarize the strategic direction for Baidu moving forward and to highlight key decisions made to exploit the company's capabilities, address competitive realities, maximize performance, and secure a long-term position for the company.
Your report should address the following key strategic issues:
• Summarize Baidu's current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
• Define the company's strategic goals.
• Discuss the characteristics of Baidu's competitive landscape and the need for strategic flexibility.
• Considering the company's current situation, summarize the strategic direction Li has decided to pursue.
• Explain how this strategy will stand up against the competition and conditions in the industry.
• Discuss the uncertainties and risks of doing business in different regions throughout the world.
• Discuss the elements and objectives of Baidu's cooperative strategy. What potential risks can interfere with achievement of immediate and long-term strategic goals? How should Baidu protect itself to sustain success?