Use the CNET shopper ( intelligent agent to review and compare three laptop configurations to be used by a financial advisor and complete the table below. The 3 Laptop Columns are worth 20 points. However, if you don't supply the full path name to the CNET locations for the specifications, you will lose 10 of these 20 points. I need to verify the specifications for each laptop column.
The Justification column and Summary Section is where you will tie the real-world financial advisor's needs with your component selection and size of the components. These sections are worth 20 points.
I expect that you will use the sources I provided in the previous pages of this template. You may do additional research if you feel you need to do so. Any justification that uses sources from the previous pages should include an in-text citation.
NOTE: You do not have to provide an exact price for the computer that you configured. I'm more interested that you choose the right sized components with a supporting justification.
NOTE: NA = Not Applicable, which means that this cell does not need to be addressed.
The Justification column and Summary Section is where you will tie the real-world financial advisor's needs with your component selection and size of the components. These sections are worth 20 points.
I expect that you will use the sources I provided in the previous pages of this template. You may do additional research if you feel you need to do so. Any justification that uses sources from the previous pages should include an in-text citation.
NOTE: You do not have to provide an exact price for the computer that you configured. I'm more interested that you choose the right sized components with a supporting justification.
NOTE: NA = Not Applicable, which means that this cell does not need to be addressed.