Application Project - Excel Project File- Yoga Studio

Application Project


The application project, which is 10% of your overall grade, is a chance for you to create a functional computer application using either Microsoft Excel or Access. Please read the instructions below carefully and let me know if you have any questions.


Why are we doing this?

If you correctly completed assignments in Excel and Access following the instructions, you should understand how those features and/or functions work. The next level of using the program is to be able to construct a working application to accomplish your data management goal.


Here's what I want you to achieve by completing this assignment.

1.      Acknowledge and understand the situations where you can use Excel or Access for your benefit

2.      Select appropriate Excel or Access features to complete planned tasks

3.      Successfully use selected software features and functions to create a working application



Choosing the right project (5 points)

One of the most important aspects of this project is to choose the right one to work on.  You will be creating either an Excel or Access file to accomplish a goal either for organizational or personal use.  A good project should be the one that you're interested in. Please be creative when choosing what to do.  More weight will be given to projects that are original, creative, useful, and have well-defined scope and purposes. 


Project Content. The project overall will consist 3 parts:


Part IProject file (70 points)

You will choose to complete the project using either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access


A.    Microsoft Excel Project:Your Excel project file must consist of the following components:

  1. The first worksheet called "Documentation" showing project title, purpose, and your name or team member names. (3 points)
  2. One or more Excel worksheets containing the project content.  The project content must have…
    1. Specific and clearly marked areas for data entry where users can add or change the value of certain variables. The data entry area should accommodate different situations and/or additional data (7 points)
    2. At least 10 uses of appropriate Excel formulas, functions, and/or data manipulation. Do not "hard-code" formula (e.g., embedded values into formulas). Instead, use cell references and a list of variables where appropriate. A function that may be copied or AutoFilled to another location, is counted as one.  The same function (e.g., IF) used for two completely different purposes in different context may be counted as two. (40 points)
    3. At least one Chart (or Chart sheet) accurately and professionally formatted to represent data from the Excel worksheet(s). Select an appropriate chart type that best represents your data. (10 points).
    4. At least 1 worksheet (other than the Documentation worksheet) appropriately and completely formatted for printing (e.g., include page header/footer, customized page setup options, print area, print titles, etc. where appropriate). (5 points)
  3. The overall appearance of the Excel file must be appropriately, professionally, and consistently formatted.  Please use clear, consistent headings and labels throughout the workbook. (5 points)


Part II Project documentation (25 points)

The project documentation should be written in Microsoft Word and contain the following components.

  1. Project cover page: includes the project title and team member(s).
  2. Introduction: at least 1-2 paragraphs description of what this project is all about.
  3. User manual: Detail description of how to use this application step-by-step. The style and length of this section varies depending on the type and complexity of your project.  Some screen shots would be helpful when writing the user manual. Include explanations and calculation details where appropriate.
  4. Sample case: provide example(s) of the application usage. The sample case should include realistic input data and expected outcomes.


Grading criteria


Topic (Originality, scope, complexity, creativity, usefulness, and ease of use)


Project file - Excel (70 points)


  • Documentation worksheet


  • Data entry area (Appropriateness, label, and format)


  • 10 Excel formula, functions, and/or data manipulation

(appropriateness, completeness, ease of use, and accuracy)


  • Excel Charts/graphs(Accuracy; appropriate chart type, title, format, and labels)


  • Page setup for printing (Appropriate size, layout, and labels)


  • Overall format; clear headings and labels


Project file - Access (70 points)


  • Tables and data (appropriateness, completeness, accuracy)


  • Relationships (appropriateness, completeness, accuracy)


·         Queries (appropriateness, completeness, accuracy, format)


·         Forms (appropriateness, completeness, accuracy, format)


  • Reports (appropriateness, completeness, accuracy, format)


Documentation (Organization and format, accuracy, completeness, correct grammar)

