BZ480 Online Exam 2 SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1

Globalization, in all its forms of personal and business contacts and information crossing borders, brings about changes that result in:

Question options:

multicultural incrementalism.

multicultural sensitivity.

cultural accommodation.

cultural diffusion.

Question 2

Which of the following is NOT one of Trompenaars' s value dimensions?

Question options:

Intrinsic versus extrinsic

Neutral versus affective

Universalism versus particularism

Specific versus diffuse

Question 3

Which of the following is true of countries with low masculinity?

Question options:

More women in high-level jobs

Increase in work-related stress

Lack of concern for others

More job conflicts

Question 4

Managers from Singapore, New Zealand, and Hong Kong tend to take initiative and have a sense of urgency, and the confidence to get things done. According to the GLOBE project, such managers score high on the cultural dimension of:

Question options:

future orientation.

performance orientation.


humane orientation.

Question 5

According to contingency management, international managers need to:

Question options:

adapt their management styles to the local setting and people.

transfer home-country business practices to the local environment.

provide training to locals before transferring new technology.

determine the extent to which locals will accept unequal power.

Question 6

The European view of information privacy most likely stems from its:

Question options:

global nature of information technology.

competitive origins.

foreign business practices.

culture and history.

Question 7

Which of the following is NOT categorized as a sociocultural variable of culture?

Question options:





Question 8

Which of the following subsystems is most likely to underlie both moral and economic norms?

Question options:

Kinship system

Political system

Education system

Religious system

Question 9

Stereotyping should most likely be avoided by international managers because:

Question options:

many cultures have diverse subcultures.

current variables of culture are grossly inaccurate.

many countries outlaw the practice.

national culture is nonexistent.

Question 10

Based on Trompenaars's value dimensions, which of the following is a characteristic of the particularistic approach? Objective: 2

Question options:

Open expression of emotions

Opportunity to achieve status

Application of rules and systems

Obligation toward relationships

Question 11

An international manager can best develop an understanding of a particular culture by:

Question options:

assuming that his or her own cultural styles and practices can be successfully followed in the host country.

creating a cultural profile for that country or region in which the firm does business.

hiring locals rather than expatriates for management positions in overseas subsidiaries.

using stereotypes to develop cross-cultural understanding in a business setting.

Question 12

Which of the following is true of the way Arabs view time?

Question options:

Arabs honor deadlines by all means.

Deadlines and firm commitments are crucial to Arabs.

Arabs believe important decisions cannot be rushed.

Arabs view time as a valuable and limited resource.

Question 13

Which of the following is an advantage of organizational culture?

Question options:


Excessive domestic focus

Tendency to adopt changes quickly

Long-term commitment

Question 14

Managers from Italy and Mexico would most likely express their emotions openly during a business situation, while managers from England and Japan would most likely consider such behavior unprofessional. Which of the following Trompenaars's value dimensions explains this difference in behavior and attitude?

Question options:

Achievement versus ascription

Specific versus diffuse

Universalism versus particularism

Neutral versus affective

Question 15

Which of the following factors can cause changes in traditional, non-Western societies?

Question options:

Religious activities

Self-reference criterion

Media exposure


Question 16

Which of the following is true of the attitude toward work in Mexican culture?

Question options:

Leisure time is more important than work.

Work is a sacred duty.

Workers are primarily focused on the future.

Group harmony at work is essential to success.

Question 17

Which of the following represents the expectations, norms, and goals held in common by members of a specific company or group?

Question options:

Organizational system

Societal culture

Organizational culture

Cultural variable

Question 18

All of the following are value dimensions proposed by Hofstede EXCEPT:

Question options:

power distance.


uncertainty avoidance.


Question 19

Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of the Arab culture?

Question options:

Open admission of mistakes

Emphasis on hospitality

Five times a day prayer pattern

Indirect communication style

Question 20

Which of the following is likely to cause offense in Saudi Arabia?

Question options:

Discrimination based on gender

Introducing business subjects too soon

Intolerance toward employees and coworkers

Failure to make decisions with a long-term perspective