Exam 80548RR Social

1.   A society's distinctive and learned mode of living, interacting, and responding to environmental stimuli is known as 
  A. socialization. 

  B. enculturation. 

  C. culture. 

  D. acculturation. 

2.   When new firms use the services of companies such as BzzAgent.com and SheSpeaks.com, which are seeding agencies that plant viral WOM about them, these firms in effect are 
  A. using canned word-of-mouth methods. 

  B. creating opinion leaders. 

  C. reducing mass advertising expenses. 

  D. simulating personal influence. 

3.   The extent to which different indicators of an individual's social stature tend to coincide with one another is known as status 
  A. generalization. 

  B. consistency. 

  C. crystallization. 

  D. objectivity.

4.   Guy and Kat have been married for fifteen years. Independently, each spouse makes about half the decisions at their home. In this case, decision making in the household is said to be 
  A. autonomic. 

  B. syncretic. 

  C. workable. 

  D. mixed. 

5.   Sara is a member of a hospital volunteer group. Each member serves twice a week for four hours. Sara gladly performs her assigned duties because she feels that doing so establishes or maintains her self-image and her relationship to the group. Sara's behavior is best described as _______ identification. 
  A. symbolic 

  B. classical 

  C. congruent 

  D. reciprocal 

6.   The median age of black Americans is about _______ than the median age for white Americans. 
  A. three years older 

  B. six years younger 

  C. three years younger 

  D. twelve years younger 

7.   Clyde believes so strongly in the precepts of capitalism and the free market that he labels people overseas who adhere to different economic systems as ignorant and misled. Clyde is reflecting a cultural tendency known as 
  A. polycentrism. 

  B. polytheism. 

  C. egocentrism. 

  D. ethnocentrism. 

8.   The study of culture by unobtrusive observation is known as 
  A. content analysis. 

  B. ethnography. 

  C. direct questioning. 

  D. entomology. 

9.   According to Hofstede, the degree to which less powerful members of a society accept the fact that power isn't distributed equally among all members of the society is known as 
  A. subjective power. 

  B. power distance. 

  C. hierarchy of needs. 

  D. hierarchy of power. 

10.   The _______ is the length of time it takes a new product to become accepted by potential adopters within a given social system. 
  A. retail life cycle 

  B. product life cycle 

  C. rate of adoption 

  D. diffusion process 

11.   Connecting with influencers on- and offline, providing them with relevant content, and closing the feedback loop with them are all forms of _______ influencers. 
  A. engaging 

  B. stimulating 

  C. identifying 

  D. simulating 

12.   Studies have shown that children in the _______ class tend to attain less independence in purchasing than do children in other social classes. 
  A. upper 

  B. lower 

  C. middle 

  D. working 

13.   _______ is a macro process concerned with the spread of a new product or idea from its original source to and throughout the general public. 
  A. Exploration 

  B. Invention 

  C. Diffusion 

  D. Innovation 

14.   Studies reveal that single-person households' expenditure patterns on products and services tend to 
  A. fall short of that for individuals in households of two persons or more. 

  B. exceed that of individuals in households of two persons or more. 

  C. equal that of individuals in households of two persons or more. 

  D. be an elusive concept to measure. 

15.   Promotions targeting the _______ often employ group conformity appeals as a motivation to adopt a product. 
  A. laggards 

  B. early majority 

  C. late majority 

  D. early adopters 

16.   The _______ type of decision making tends to predominate in the information-search stage of the decision-making process. 
  A. wife-dominant 

  B. autonomic 

  C. syncretic 

  D. husband-dominant 

17.   Which of the following traits tend to characterize the members of the Boomers II cohort? 
  A. Show little concern for the environment or ecologically friendly products 

  B. Lack faith in the political system 

  C. Refuse to go into debt to acquire material possessions 

  D. Display a Puritanical view of sex

18.   A general value system stressing equality in marital relations and family decision making is known as 
  A. involvement. 

  B. recognized authority. 

  C. egalitarianism. 

  D. role involvement. 
19.   When a physician tells an obese patient that the benefits of following the recommended regimen include avoiding a number of medical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, this physician is using _______ power. 
  A. reward 

  B. coercive 

  C. legitimate 

  D. expert

20.   When Heather considered the benefits of using the latest tablet on her job and sought out the local dealer to purchase one, she was in the _______ stage of the adoption process. 
  A. implementation 

  B. persuasion 

  C. decision 

  D. confirmation