Exam 500474 Fostering Creativity

1.   As a manager, Federico needs to make a decision about reorganizing several departments he oversees. He knows that the quality of his decision is important. It has to be accurate, creative, and accepted by others. In order to make this decision he should 
  A. solicit advice from people outside the organization. 

  B. hire a consultant to make the decision for him. 

  C. enlist other people in the process and divide complex tasks among them. 

  D. make the decision on his own. 

2.   In assessing alternatives that emerge from the creative process, Yvonne knows that she has to let go of her desire for a convenient solution. However, she also knows that she has to learn to listen to her 
  A. supervisor's objections. 

  B. perceptual biases. 

  C. intuition. 

  D. cultural values. 

3.   Nancy knows she has to a make a decision on her own, but she solicits input from other members of the group who will be affected by the decision. What kind of decision is she making? 
  A. Collaborative 

  B. Group 

  C. Autocratic 

  D. Consultative

4.   In the rational model of decision making, the _______ phase typically involves defining the situation. 
  A. pre-analysis 

  B. attention 

  C. analytic 

  D. design 

5.   The dean of a small university calls a meeting of board members and department chairpersons to determine whether or not the university should establish a research lab. This sort of occasion is known as a 
  A. relevant issue. 

  B. choice opportunity. 

  C. bottleneck. 

  D. hubris trap. 

6.   When Charles and David perceive that it is in their best interest to remain ignorant about conflicts of interest and certain types of incentive systems currently applied throughout their organization, their decisions are influenced by 
  A. reward systems. 

  B. incremental violations. 

  C. motivated blindness. 

  D. indirect blindness
7.   In which model of decision making are complex, multilevel problems addressed rather than a single strategic issue? 
  A. Rational 

  B. Collaborative 

  C. Autocratic 

  D. Garbage Can 

8.   Which perspective on creativity suggests that it occurs as a result of the mutual influence of personal factors, environmental characteristics, and the nature of the task? 
  A. Creativity as a process 

  B. Creativity as behavior 

  C. The integrative perspective 

  D. Creativity as a set of cognitive skills 
9.   As a human resources manager, Michelle recognizes that fostering high levels of involvement and engagement across cultural, racial, and ethnic groups actually increases 
  A. conflict. 

  B. external incentives and rewards. 

  C. creativity. 

  D. extrinsic motivation. 

10.   According to some researchers, while creativity is a dynamic and complex process, certain patterns and elements of orderliness can also be observed. According to this interpretation, creativity is 
  A. chaordic. 

  B. vertical. 

  C. chaotic. 

  D. linear. 
11.   In an attempt to establish an organizational climate that supports creativity, the CEO of a large software company should promote a policy of 
  A. participative decision making. 

  B. hierarchical restructuring. 

  C. micromanagement. 

  D. macromanagement. 

12.   A decision-making phenomenon known as _______ occurs when members of a tightly cohesive group refrain from proposing alternative solutions because they're overly concerned with maintaining unanimity. 
  A. Group bonding 

  B. Group behavior 

  C. Groupthink 

  D. Group decisions 

13.   During the final stage of _______, a secret ballot is taken, during which each member votes for a preferred solution. 
  A. low-risk decision making 

  B. collaborative decision making 

  C. nominal group technique 

  D. group decision making 

14.   "Okay, what's the problem here? What do I need to know? What needs to be done?" These sorts of questions are all part of the _______ stage of the creative process. 
  A. concentration 

  B. preparation 

  C. incubation 

  D. verification 

15.   Psychologist Michael J. Kirton proposed a model in which certain people, known as _______, are more comfortable with and better suited to making improvements in existing practices. 
  A. long-term creative types 

  B. adaptors 

  C. short-term creative types 

  D. innovators 

16.   Asked to organize a pile of materials into useful groups, one team creates a sculpture, another organizes the pile according to the potential use of the objects, while a third team organizes the materials according to what they were made from. This approach to creativity is known as 
  A. the inventor technique. 

  B. design thinking. 

  C. the artist's way. 

  D. object-related thinking.

17.   After coming up with a few new ideas for redesigning his company's logo, Murray asks his supervisor to check them out to see if they really communicate the message his organization is trying to communicate. At this point, he's engaged in the _______ stage of the creative process. 
  A. resolution 

  B. analysis 

  C. supervision 

  D. verification 

18.   _______ offers a way to approach issues and problems that is directed at "inventing" ways of doing things that make sense to the humans who use them in a particular context. 
  A. Design thinking 

  B. Fantasizing 

  C. Creating an idea box 

  D. Mindmapping 

19.   From the perspective of creativity as a _______, the value of creativity lies in the usefulness of the outcomes it produces. 
  A. trait 

  B. cognitive skill 

  C. process 

  D. behavior 

20.   In the RAPID model for assigning clear roles and responsibilities, what does the R stand for? 
  A. Role-assignment 

  B. Reverse 

  C. Recommend 

  D. Review