Exam 500476 Manage Conflict

1.   Marianna tends to take a lot of time to manage conflict between her employees, focusing a on a win-win solution that satisfies both parties. Her style of management conflict would be referred to as 
  A. collaboration. 

  B. interdependence. 

  C. accommodation. 

  D. competition. 

2.   Enrique is fascinated by the idea of _______ leadership, which is broadly distributed among members of a group, organization, or society. 
  A. authentic 

  B. value-based 

  C. shared 

  D. collaborative 

3.   Which of the following orientations concerning ethical leadership involves temperance, humility, and a balanced approach to issues? 
  A. Sustainability 

  B. Humane 

  C. Moderation 
  D. Justice

4.   Reviewing the results of the Ohio State University study on leadership behavior, Alessandra discovers that the term consideration refers to 
  A. a strong sense of personal identity. 

  B. the extent to which the leader is concerned with the welfare of the group. 

  C. a capacity to absorb stress. 

  D. the exercise of initiative in social situations. 

5.   According to Bernard Bass, a/an _______ leader concentrates on arousing or altering the needs of subordinates, rather than focusing on how their current needs might be met. 
  A. values-based 

  B. transactional 

  C. transformational 

  D. inspirational 

6.   According to James MacGregor Burns, a central value in the relationship between leaders and followers is 
  A. purpose. 

  B. power. 

  C. potential. 

  D. purity. 

7.   The term _______ refers to finding an acceptable solution to conflict that all parties can minimally accept. 
  A. enforcing 

  B. compromising 

  C. satisficing 

  D. bargaining 

8.   The second phase of the negotiation process typically involves 
  A. bargaining. 

  B. preparation. 

  C. disagreement. 

  D. presentation. 

9.   One of the characteristics of creative leadership is _______, which is considered a prerequisite of creativity, innovation, and forward-thinking action. 
  A. optimism 

  B. collaboration 

  C. audacity 

  D. courage 

10.   One of the ways leaders establish and maintain credibility is through "practicing what they preach." Kouzes and Posner describe this "practice" of credibility as 
  A. modeling the way. 

  B. stepping into the unknown. 

  C. inspiring a shared vision. 

  D. integrity matching. 

11.   Roxanne recognizes that by establishing rules that limit contact between two employees who are in conflict, she can implement a quick, short-term _______ approach to managing the conflict. 
  A. avoidance 

  B. behavioral 

  C. accommodating 

  D. attitudinal 

12.   _______ can be a source of organizational conflict in the case of workers in different shifts disagreeing about work procedures, documentation, and organization of the workspace they share. 
  A. Interdependence 

  B. Goal incompatibility 

  C. Resource allocation 

  D. Resource scarcity 

13.   Creative leaders needs to display _______, which may be described as a capacity to learn from their experiences, engage in self-reflection and self-critique, and apply their learning to future problems. 
  A. energy 

  B. humility 

  C. learning agility 

  D. empathy 

14.   Leadership has occurred when 
  A. followers disobey new rules and objectives handed down from top management. 

  B. someone tries to exert power or control over followers. 

  C. a group has been stimulated to move in a new direction. 

  D. somebody takes charge and decides what to do. 

15.   _______ is a process in which people disagree over significant issues, therefore creating friction. 
  A. Conflict 

  B. Competition 

  C. Contrast 

  D. Interdependence 

16.   After studying the biographies of several world leaders, Saul realizes that a potential leader must understand a group and find ways to _______ it. 
  A. manipulate 

  B. control 

  C. command 

  D. energize 

17.   According to Burns, the difference between power and leadership is that power serves the interests of the power wielder, whereas leadership serves 
  A. the interest of the leader. 

  B. the interests of the powerless. 

  C. the interests of the followers. 

  D. both the leader's interests and those of the follower. 

18.   _______ is a process whereby two or more parties reach a mutually agreeable arrangement. 
  A. Interdependence 

  B. Negotiation 

  C. Competition 

  D. Conflict 

19.   The contingency approach to leadership assumes that 
  A. different situations require different styles of leadership. 

  B. a leader's behavior is more important than his or her traits. 

  C. a leader's traits are more important than behavior. 

  D. courage and creativity are the most important competencies of leadership. 

20.   According to Bernard Bass, the _______ leader exchanges rewards for services rendered so as to improve subordinates' job performance. 
  A. compensatory 

  B. performance-oriented 

  C. rewards-oriented 

  D. transactional