Exam 500477 Organizational Context

1.   _______ organizations are typically characterized by decentralized decision making, highly integrated activities, and little specialization or standardization.


  A. Mechanistic

  B. Horizontal

  C. Organic

  D. Flat

2.   According to Gary P. Latham, the first step in effecting behavioral change in organizational culture is to


  A. subtly transmit norms and values through conversation and communication.

  B. establish a superordinate goal.

  C. establish new employee orientation procedures.

  D. conduct performance appraisals.

3.   Before formulating a strategy, managers typically perform a/an _______ analysis.


  A. E/S

  B. boundary spanning


  D. mission

4.   The number of elements that an organization must consider when examining environmental uncertainty is referred to as


  A. interpretation.

  B. complexity.

  C. the rate of change.

  D. sectors.

5.   _______ describes both an individual phenomenon and a group phenomenon that's undertaken to influence others in the direction of the actor's or group's goals.


  A. Employee resistance

  B. Organizational politics

  C. Personal politics

  D. Charismatic leadership


6.   Structural determinants of power in organizations include all of the following except


  A. reward for subordinates.

  B. national representation.

  C. influence in garnering resources.

  D. perceived political power.


7.   A SWOT analysis typically involves examining an organization's strengths and weakness, as well as environmental _______ and threats.


  A. options

  B. objections

  C. objectives

  D. opportunities


8.   The type of change that occurs as typically small adaptations within the existing framework of an organization is referred to as _______ change.


  A. incremental

  B. discontinuous

  C. strategic

  D. continuous

9.   Lynette is the type of worker who always shows up prepared and on time, has a kind word and a smile, and is genuinely warm and caring toward everyone she works with. Consequently, many of the people she works with look up to her and aspire to emulate her work ethic. What kind of power does this represent?


  A. Overt

  B. Referent

  C. Latent

  D. Reward


10.   As an employee who is determined to advance in his company, Manual knows that _______ is not only is helpful to him but also can help the company to better accomplish its mission.


  A. pressing his manager for recognition of his work

  B. resisting coercive authority

  C. gaining expertise and knowledge

  D. increasing his dependence on managers

11.   As a founding member of a new technology startup, Haley is responsible for creating the company's _______, which lays out of the organization's purpose and reason for existence.


  A. mission statement

  B. vision statement

  C. purpose statement

  D. goal plan


12.   _______ power may be considered a "two-way street," in that supervisors can punish subordinates by reducing pay or giving poor performance reviews, while employees can punish their supervisors by refusing work assignments or withholding crucial information.


  A. Latent

  B. Referent

  C. Coercive

  D. Reward


13.   The ideas that people consciously describe as the principles that shape the way they behave are known as


  A. perceptual biases.

  B. double-loops.

  C. values.

  D. espoused theories.

14.   Some theorists argue that large systems change rarely comes about as a result of top-down or control strategies, but instead follows a pattern similar to that of change in nature, through which several small actions come together to create a new dynamic. This concept of change is referred to as


  A. downloading.

  B. emergence.

  C. sensing.

  D. crystalizing.


15.   According to _______ theory, the various demands placed by customers or legal mandates are known as inputs.


  A. input

  B. systems

  C. motivational

  D. espousal

16.   One of the ways people can increase their own power through minimizing their dependence on others is to


  A. increase other's dependence on them.

  B. decrease alternative sources of getting what they want.

  C. increase their demands on others on whom they depend.

  D. increase other people's access to alternative sources of getting what they need.

17.   One of her first tasks in laying out a plan for the organization she is helping to found, is to create a set of _______, specifying what needs to be achieved and when.


  A. sectors

  B. goals

  C. missions

  D. visions


18.   Michelle finds herself in the process of learning new goals. This type of learning is referred to as _______ learning.


  A. single-loop

  B. motivational

  C. strategic

  D. double-loop


19.   The term _______ refers to recognizing how you present yourself to others.


  A. impression management

  B. self-promotion

  C. motivational construct

  D. personal appeal

20.   In Denhardt and Denhardt's model of leadership for change, the first step for managers aspiring to lead change involves


  A. building support for the change process both through conversation and through modeling the change process in the managers' own behavior.

  B. planning for change both strategically and pragmatically.

  C. assessing the organizations' environment and the need for change.

  D. implementing specific changes while at the same time encouraging a broader positive attitude toward change.