BZ460 Lesson 6 & 7 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1

Question 1

A financial related activity that must be performed during the closing phase is assuring that:

Question options:

all payments have been collected from the customer.

the personnel responsible for financial work is identified.

total budgeted costs are calculated.

the quarterly payments are invoiced.

Question 2

__________ is a defined set of actions to prevent or reduce the likelihood of occurrence or the impact of a risk, or to implement if the risk event occurs.

Question options:

Risk assessment

A risk response plan

Risk management

Risk control

Question 3

Some level of risk planning should be done during the __________ phase of the project life cycle to make sure that a contractor understands the risks involved with bidding on a proposed project. With knowledge of potential risks, the contractor can include contingency or management reserve amounts in the bid price.

Question options:





Question 4

The purpose of identifying and documenting lessons learned is to capitalize on the knowledge and experience gained on the project in order to:

Question options:

improve performance on future projects.

establish a procedure of identification and documentation.

create a large database of information.

keep project team members busy.

Question 5

The __________ is a rating of low, medium, or high based upon the expected probability of a risk occurring during the project.

Question options:

likelihood of occurrence

priority order

action trigger

mitigation plan

Question 6

The process of closing the project involves various actions, including:

Question options:

having staff get to know each other.

assigning staff to activities.

recognizing and evaluating staff.

examining and estimating costs associated with staff.

Question 7

Risks are prioritized based on the:

Question options:

priorities set in a different project.

likelihood of occurrence and degree of impact.

gut feeling of the project team.

order they are identified.

Question 8

The purposes of a/an __________ should be to determine whether the project provided the customer with the expected benefits, assess the level of customer satisfaction, and obtain any feedback that would be helpful in future business relationships with this customer or with other customers.

Question options:

analysis session with the project team

pre-RFP meeting with the customer

project progress meeting with project stakeholders

post-project evaluation meeting with the customer or sponsor

Question 9

The project manager should prepare a written performance evaluation of each member of the project team that mentions how each has:

Question options:

made mistakes in the problem and how much that mistake cost the organization.

interacted with other team members, especially where conflict has caused problems for reaching the final goals of the project.

expanded her or his knowledge as a result of the project assignment and identifies areas she or he needs to develop further.

contributed to the project with a list of activities and the time on each and an analysis of what was done Incorrectly on each activity.

Question 10

A risk is an uncertain event that, if it occurs:

Question options:

must be accepted.

helps to achieve the project objective.

can jeopardize accomplishing the project objective.

must be avoided.

Question 11

The project organization should establish a __________ that includes an easily accessible repository that encourages project managers and teams to retrieve lessons learned and information from previous projects.

Question options:

document storage routine

knowledge base system

revision process

file structure

Question 12

Risks may change as the project progresses and should be reflected in the:

Question options:

risk management strategy.

risk response plan.

Risk Assessment Matrix.

action trigger point.

Question 13

Verifying that all payments have been made to any subcontractors, consultants, vendors, or suppliers for any purchased materials or services is completed during the __________ the project phase.

Question options:





Question 14

The __________ is a rating of low, medium, or high based on the expected level of change in completing the project's objective if the risk were to occur during the project.

Question options:

degree of impact

priority order

action trigger

mitigation plan

Question 15

During the __________ the project phase, the project team or contractor should ensure that copies of appropriate project documentation are properly organized, filed, and archived so that they can be readily retrieved for future use.

Question options:





Question 16

As part of, or in addition to, the documents in the archive, it can be valuable to create a database of common data elements from past projects in order to analyze and determine if there are trends or correlations that:

Question options:

show a strong project team member that should be given additional compensation.

should be shown on the annual reports for the organization.

could be helpful in bidding, planning, and/or performing future projects.

should be shared with the project sponsors of all the projects.

Question 17

__________ involves developing an action plan to reduce the likelihood of occurrence or potential impact of each risk, establishing a trigger point for when to implement the actions to address each risk, and assigning responsibility to specific individuals for implementing each response plan.

Question options:

Risk impact statement

Risk assessment

Risk management strategy

Risk response planning

Question 18

At the __________ meeting with the project team at the end of the project, the project manager should lead a discussion of what happened during performance of the project and solicit specific recommendations for improvement.

Question options:

project progress


activity specific


Question 19

A common approach to identifying the sources of risks is:

Question options:


developing a contingency plan.


evaluating the probability.

Question 20

Track and document which risks __________ and the impact of those risks.

Question options:

may affect the critical path

were avoided

had the highest priority

actually occurred

Section 2


Question 21

The project manager has primary responsibility for __________ in planning, organizing, and controlling the work effort to accomplish the project objective.

Question options:

making all the decisions

providing leadership

doing the paperwork


Question 22

For the __________ approach to work, it is necessary to have a healthy project environment.

Question options:

Accommodating or Smoothing

Competing or Forcing

Avoiding or Withdrawing

Collaborating, Confronting, or Problem Solving

Question 23

An important aspect of the project manager's job is to manage and control:

Question options:

the customer's financial situation.


how the project team completes tasks.

how stakeholders feel about the project.

Question 24

In the __________ approach, each person must approach the conflict with a constructive attitude and a willingness to work in good faith with the others to resolve the issue.

Question options:

Accommodating or Smoothing

Competing or Forcing

Collaborating, Confronting, or Problem Solving

Avoiding or Withdrawing

Question 25

The __________ has to first establish the criteria against which alternative solutions will be evaluated.

Question options:

problem-solving team


project team

project manager

Question 26

The project manager communicates the objective to the project team in such a manner as to create a vision of:

Question options:

the amount of work each member will have to do.

what will constitute successful accomplishment of the objective.

how much the project is going to cost.

the number of meetings necessary during the project.

Question 27

The second stage of team development is known as:

Question options:





Question 28

Although the __________ approach may make a conflict situation livable, it does not resolve the issue.

Question options:

Competing or Forcing

Accommodating or Smoothing

Avoiding or Withdrawing

Collaborating, Confronting, or Problem Solving

Question 29

Once the best solution has been selected, it's necessary to next:

Question options:

establish criteria for measuring the qualitative impact.

implement the solution.

prepare a plan for implementing that solution.

determine whether the problem has been solved.

Question 30

In the __________ stage of team development, team members now begin to test the limits and flexibility of the project manager and the ground rules.

Question options:





Question 31

Project teams should be kept __________ throughout the project.

Question options:

as large as possible

at a moderate size with extra resources

at a moderate size with contingency resources

as small as feasible

Question 32

In the __________ approach, the split solution may not be the optimal one.

Question options:

Collaborating, Confronting, or Problem Solving

Competing or Forcing

Avoiding or Withdrawing


Question 33

In the __________ stage of team development, the group begins to establish an identity and attempts to define and plan the tasks that need to be done. Little actual work is accomplished.

Question options:





Question 34

__________ involves securing the appropriate resources to perform the work.

Question options:





Question 35

The project manager clearly defines the project objective and reaches agreement with the __________ on this objective.

Question options:



project team


Question 36

__________ should develop the planning information or implement the best solution to a problem.

Question options:

The stakeholders

The project team members who will be responsible for implementing the best solution for a problem

The project manager and the customer

The project manager

Question 37

The project manager needs to be sure that __________ won't casually agree to changes that may require additional person-hours.

Question options:


team members

organizational management

the customer

Question 38

A potential conflict on projects is Organizational Issues. There may be disagreement over all the following EXCEPT:

Question options:

the need for certain procedures established by the project manager.

from failure to make timely decisions.

payment schedules from the customer.

ambiguous project communication.

Question 39

It is the responsibility of the __________ to make sure that the customer is satisfied that the work scope is completed in a quality manner, within budget, and on time.

Question options:


project authority

project team members

project manager

Question 40

Once the __________ is complete, the organizing responsibilities begin.

Question options:



