Exam 500475 - Communication

1.   In creating a lengthy memo to her staff about a departmental reorganization, Regina understands that she has to know her readers, adapt to their mood, write at their level, and provide neither too much nor too little information. Which of the six Cs of effective managerial writing does this understanding represent?


  A. Conciseness

  B. Courtesy

  C. Clarity

  D. Confidence


2.   One of the characteristics of an effective team is demonstrated by member's willingness to


  A. set and act upon a few immediate performance-oriented goals and tasks.

  B. choose team members based on personality rather than skills.

  C. devote little energy to spending time together to develop trust and rules of behavior.

  D. put off developing rules of conduct geared toward achieving performance goals.


3.   When one of her employees stops by to speak to her, Clarice always makes an effort to engage in _______, which involves taking conscious actions intended to clarify and confirm the meaning of what her employee is saying.


  A. supportive communication

  B. coaching

  C. personal counseling

  D. active listening


4.   Altering the information that's being sent so that it will be received more favorably by the receiver is known as


  A. decoding.

  B. distortion.

  C. semantics.

  D. filtering.

5.   Peter is creating a report on measures his organization needs to take to achieve greater sustainability. As part of a persuasive approach, he should use _______ to demonstrate expertise.


  A. emotional appeals

  B. self-disclosure

  C. facts

  D. personal observations

6.   When Josh sees other members of his team working very hard, he's motivated to commit more time and effort to his own tasks. This aspect of teamwork is referred to as


  A. socialization.

  B. peer review.

  C. social facilitation.

  D. Groupthink.

7.   The process of formulating the intended meaning of a message is known as


  A. decoding.

  B. framing.

  C. referencing.

  D. encoding.

8.   _______ involves not just transmitting information, but also developing interpersonal relationships by giving people the chance to express and accept differences in how they feel.


  A. Setting meeting agendas

  B. Active listening

  C. Debate

  D. Supportive communication

9.   Which of the six Cs of effective managerial writing involves putting yourself in the reader's position, writing in an active voice, and using the positive form of writing?


  A. Conciseness

  B. Courtesy

  C. Clarity

  D. Confidence

10.   The goal of counseling and coaching is to


  A. administer a reprimand.

  B. motivate an employee to seek another job outside of the organization.

  C. offer suggestions for working out personal problems.

  D. address work-related problems before they get worse.

11.   In contrast to other types of teams, _______ are responsible for implementing solutions as well as recommending them.


  A. cross-functional

  B. process-improvement

  C. self-directed

  D. project

12.   The most important element of persuasive communication is


  A. conciseness.

  B. courtesy.

  C. credibility.

  D. a soft-sell approach.


13.   _______ is a type of deviance that is tolerated because central norms are accepted, even though peripheral ones may not be observed.


  A. Creative individualism

  B. Subversive rebellion

  C. Open revolution

  D. Social loafing


14.   Before conducting a counseling session with an employee, John should


  A. solicit input from other employees in the department.

  B. collect all the facts so that he's clear on the specific problem.

  C. ignore the problem for a little while to see if the employee can resolve it on his own.

  D. ask the Human Resources department to draft a termination letter.


15.   Which of the following would be considered a characteristic of groups?


  A. Shared leadership

  B. High interdependence

  C. Mutual accountability

  D. Goals determined by the organization


16.   Knowing that his team members are going to hold him accountable for his contribution, Sheldon is less inclined to indulge in


  A. social loafing.

  B. problem analysis.

  C. social facilitation.

  D. peer pressure.


17.   Businesses in the United States, and other Western businesses, understand that while preserving individual focus, they still need to take certain steps to build team cohesion and manage team diversity. To achieve this balance, they can


  A. aim for harmony and quick consensus.

  B. reward individual contributions.

  C. focus only on long-term goals at the expense of short-term objectives.

  D. discourage conflicting opinions.


18.   To manage conflict within teams effectively, sources of conflict need to be known before they can be resolved. One such source of conflict, referred to as _______ conflict, may arise when a member of the team feels that she's in the wrong profession, so her interest in participating in the team is minimal.


  A. work method

  B. interpersonal

  C. intrapersonal

  D. structural


19.   Isaac is approached by a coworker, who begins a conversation by saying, "Listen, I know this might not be a big deal to you, but . . . ." Immediately, Isaac anticipates a potentially threatening observation and becomes


  A. ambiguous.

  B. semantic.

  C. defensive.

  D. noisy.


20.   Elizabeth can be counted on to question the direction in which the team is moving and offer an alternative that sounds a bit risky. Her team members respect her as a/an


  A. obstructer.

  B. deviant.

  C. encourager.

  D. challenger.