Exam 500367

1.   The most prevalent category of observation study is _______ observation.
  A. nonverbal

  B. spatial

  C. linguistic

  D. extralinguistic

2.   Meeting the ideal standard of causation requires that one variable _______ causes another and no other variable has the same casual effect.
  A. probably

  B. always

  C. sometimes

  D. never

3.   Which one of the following techniques is most frequently used to collect data with qualitative research?
  A. Surveys

  B. Questionnaires

  C. Sampling

  D. Interviews

4.   Which of the following is the correct focus for internal validity?
  A. Do the conclusions we draw from an experiment truly imply causation?

  B. Does the instrument provide adequate coverage of the investigative questions?

  C. Does it consider both the theory and the selected measurement instrument?

  D. Are the measures used for prediction or estimation effective?

5.   Which type of research attempts a precise measurement of some behavior, knowledge, opinion, or attitude?
  A. Cross-sectional

  B. Exploratory

  C. Qualitative

  D. Quantitative

6.   Which of the following is not an experimental research design?
  A. Field

  B. True experimental

  C. Latitudinal

  D. Preexperimental

7.   All of the following are types of nonprobability sampling techniques except
  A. snowball sampling.

  B. purposive sampling.

  C. convenience sampling.

  D. random sampling.

8.   When Katie Couric interviews guests on The Today Show, she tends to interrupt their answers. Which dimension of extralinguistic activity is reflected in her behavior?
  A. Vocal

  B. Verbal stylistic

  C. Temporal

  D. Interaction

9.   Mike resents getting calls from telemarketers and pollsters. A research firm called yesterday to question him concerning his preference for radio stations. When Mike was asked to report his household income, he inflated his income to the highest range offered. He also misreported his age and occupation. Which of the following sources of error in communication research is presented in this example?
  A. Participants

  B. Measurement questions

  C. Interviewers

  D. Observers

10.   Which type of error occurs when the interviewer summarizes or interprets participant answers?
  A. Data entry

  B. Measurement

  C. Sampling

  D. Instrumentation

11.   A descriptive study is one that
  A. attempts to reveal why or how one variable produces changes in another.

  B. emphasizes a full contextual analysis of a few events or conditions and their interrelations.

  C. discovers answers to the questions who, what, when, where, or how much.

  D. attempts to capture a population's characteristics by making inferences from a sample's characteristics and testing resulting hypotheses.

12.   Jane is conducting interviews to develop a customer profile for her client. She customizes each interview to each participant and doesn't ask specific questions. What type of interview format is Jane using?
  A. Semistructured

  B. Unstructured

  C. Structured

  D. Closed-ended

13.   Which of the following is a condition in which observation is an appropriate method for data collection?
  A. The respondents are widely dispersed.

  B. An extensive amount of information is needed.

  C. Anonymity is desired.

  D. A natural setting is imperative.

14.   Which variable in an experiment is manipulated by the researcher?
  A. Dependent variable

  B. Moderating variable

  C. Independent variable

  D. Extraneous variable

15.   Which of the following is true of studies conducted under laboratory conditions?
  A. They facilitate measurement of the variables of interest.

  B. They simulate environmental conditions.

  C. The dependent variable occurs naturally.

  D. They occur under actual environmental conditions.

16.   All of the following are sources of error in communication research except
  A. interviewers.

  B. measurement questions.

  C. survey questionnaires.

  D. observers.

17.   An intercept interview is likely to occur at a
  A. school.

  B. home.

  C. hospital.

  D. mall.

18.   Research design strategy encompasses all of the components below except
  A. instrument development.

  B. data collection design.

  C. data analysis.

  D. sampling design.

19.   What term is used for subjects who aren't aware whether they're receiving the experimental treatment or not?
  A. Blind

  B. Control

  C. Confederate

  D. Dependent

20.   A communication approach to data collection involves
  A. linguistic behavior analysis.

  B. surveying people.

  C. observing behavior.

  D. data mining.