Exam 500369

1.   Sampling error refers to
  A. differences between the sample statistics and the population's parameters caused by random fluctuations inherent in the sampling process.

  B. error created by systematic variance.

  C. differences between the results of a census and the population's parameters.

  D. bias caused by using a poor sample frame.

2.   An instrument designer can counteract biases arising from primacy and recency effects by
  A. including questions designed to measure a participant's susceptibility to order bias.

  B. providing another option in the response choices.

  C. randomizing the question order.

  D. using the split-ballot technique.

3.   In a study of college search behaviors among the families of college-bound high school students, the search behaviors are very different from family to family. In the situation described, which guideline below best explains why the researcher will use a larger sample size?
  A. The greater the variance within the population, the larger the sample should be.

  B. The higher the level of confidence in the estimate, the larger the sample must be.

  C. The greater the desired precision of the estimate, the larger the sample should be.

  D. The greater the number of subgroups of interest within a sample, the larger the sample must be.

4.   The list of elements in a population from which the sample is actually drawn is known as the
  A. population extent.

  B. sample frame.

  C. sampling base.

  D. database.

5.   Estimates of precision are possible with _______ samples.
  A. quota

  B. judgment

  C. nonprobability

  D. probability

6.   Which of the following terms refers to a learned, stable predisposition to respond to oneself, other persons, objects, or issues in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way?
  A. Construct

  B. Personality trait

  C. Opinion

  D. Attitude

7.   In which of the following situations should a study's objective be disguised?
  A. When requesting willingly shared, conscious-level information

  B. When requesting reluctantly shared, conscious-level information

  C. When requesting knowable, conscious-level information

  D. When the study's objective is unlikely to affect the participants' responses

8.   The ordinal measurement scale
  A. can be grouped into two or more categories that are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.

  B. provides for an absolute zero, or origin.

  C. includes a fixed or equal interval.

  D. includes an indication of order or sequence.

9.   Which type of scale is used when participants place cards into piles using criteria established by the researcher?
  A. Sorting

  B. Rating

  C. Ranking

  D. Categorization

10.   _____ describes how scores cluster or scatter in a distribution.
  A. Mode

  B. Median

  C. Mean

  D. Dispersion

11.   Brittany is developing a sampling plan for a study of alcohol consumption among college students at Metro University. She wants to ensure that students from each class level are represented. She also wants to be able to compare students who are members of Greek organizations to non-Greeks. Finally, she wants to consider patterns by gender. Brittany plans to cross-reference Metro University's student directory with membership lists from each Greek organization on campus to develop a sampling frame. What type of sampling method should Brittany use?
  A. Stratified

  B. Cluster

  C. Simple random

  D. Systematic

12.   Choosing between the questions "Do you think the distribution of soft drinks is adequate?" (incorrect) and "Do you think soft drinks are readily available when you want to buy them?" (correct) is an example of
  A. ensuring the right frame of reference.

  B. presuming knowledge.

  C. avoiding leading questions.

  D. avoiding biased words.

13.   _______ sampling selects every kth element, using a random starting point.
  A. Stratified

  B. Proportional stratified

  C. Systematic

  D. Area

14.   In a _______ measurement scale the responses fall into a pattern in which endorsement of an extreme item results in endorsing all items that are less extreme.
  A. unidimensional

  B. summated rating

  C. semantic differential

  D. cumulative

15.   The term _______ validity refers to the degree to which a measuring instrument provides adequate coverage of the questions in the study.
  A. construct

  B. internal

  C. content

  D. criterion-related

16.   In a survey of football fans, each respondent is asked to indicate whether he or she has ever attended an NFL game. This question can be categorized as a/an _______ scale.
  A. nominal

  B. ordinal

  C. ratio

  D. interval

17.   Which of the following goals should a good survey instrument accomplish?
  A. Encourage participants to be succinct in their responses

  B. Encourage participants to end the survey when they feel they've contributed enough information

  C. Encourage participants to answer only those questions they're comfortable answering

  D. Encourage each participant to provide accurate responses

18.   A _______ scale measures the psychological meanings of an attitude object using bipolar adjectives.
  A. constant-sum

  B. semantic differential

  C. Stapel

  D. summated rating

19.   Which of the following statements is true concerning the applicability of attitudes in understanding behavior?
  A. Cognitive attitudes influence behavior better than affective-based attitudes.

  B. Behavior is affected equally by those attitudes formed via social learning and those formed via behavioral learning.

  C. A single, global measure of attitude is necessary to predict behavior.

  D. General attitudes are the best predictors of behavior.

20.   An attitude scale that correctly forecasts the outcome of a purchase decision has _______ validity.
  A. discriminant

  B. concurrent

  C. predictive

  D. content