Exam 500371 Analysis

1.   Which of the following choices for displaying data would include values for which no observations occurred?
  A. Bar chart

  B. Heretical triangle

  C. Boxplot

  D. Stem-and-leaf display

2.   Which of the following is most appropriately displayed with a frequency table?
  A. Is advertising more effective in newspapers or magazines?

  B. How much explanatory value comes from the study's variables?

  C. What is the relationship between gender and brand preference?

  D. What percentage of people prefer Hunt's brand ketchup?

3.   The level of significance chosen for hypothesis testing is based on
  A. the statistical test used.

  B. how much risk of a Type I error one is willing to accept.

  C. the desired level of confidence one wishes to have in the results.

  D. the desired degree of precision.

4.   Which of the following best expresses the value of using percentages in data presentation?
  A. It focuses on the count of cases.

  B. It allows for relative comparisons.

  C. It allows for mathematical manipulation of the values.

  D. It provides for the calculation of marginals.

5.   _______ involves assigning numbers or other symbols to answers so that the responses can be grouped into a limited number of categories.
  A. Data entry

  B. Coding

  C. Collection

  D. Editing

6.   The primary benefit of exploratory data analysis is its ability to be
  A. conclusive.

  B. exclusive.

  C. flexible.

  D. discriminatory.

7.   All of the following tend to be short, written research reports except _______ reports.
  A. progress

  B. technical

  C. informational

  D. interim

8.   Database development begins with
  A. editing.

  B. statistical analysis.

  C. data entry.

  D. hypothesis formulation


9. In a research presentation, a supporting material known as analogy is defined as
  A. numerical data used in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, but also found in data collection planning.

  B. an implicit comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in common; expresses the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar, achieving its effect via association, comparison, and resemblance.
  C. a comparison between two different things to highlight a point of similarity; not offered as conclusive proof for an argument, but may be useful to clarify the argument or presenter's position.
  D. a critical incident selected to prove an overarching claim; brief rather than detailed stories.

10.   What type of hypothesis states that a sample statistic is either greater than or less than the population parameter?
  A. Three-tailed

  B. One-tailed

  C. Null

  D. Two-tailed

11.   Which of the following is a false statement?
  A. The level of significance is quantitatively defined as α and the statistical power of a test is quantitatively defined as 1 – α.

  B. The failure to correctly reject the null hypothesis is referred to as a Type I error (α).

  C. The failure to correctly reject the alternative hypothesis is referred to as a Type II error (β).

  D. Whether using a one-tailed test or a two-tailed test, a region of rejection, a region of acceptance, and, therefore, critical values may be developed.

12.   Which of the following indicates a series of words for which aliasing would be used in the analysis?
  A. Pretty, beautiful, attractive

  B. Search, searching, searches, searched

  C. Going, walking, running, flying

  D. Be, is, of, the

13.   The three techniques use to salvage data sets with missing data are

  B. stemming, aliasing, and exclusion.

  C. listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, and predicitive replacement.

  D. data entry, optical scanning, and voice recognition.

14.   Data analysis is considered to be _______ when patterns in the collected data guide the data analysis or suggest revisions to the preliminary data analysis plan.
  A. exploratory

  B. conclusive

  C. confirmatory

  D. descriptive

15.   The letter of transmittal in the written research report includes a discussion of all of the following except
  A. authorization for the project.

  B. limitations of the study.

  C. recognition of the person who prepared the report.

  D. scope of the study.

16.   Which of the following hypotheses is best examined with a correlation analysis?
  A. Men differ from women on average yearly clothing expenditures.

  B. Income level is related to average yearly clothing expenditures.

  C. Clothing expenditures are higher in northern states and lower in southern and southwestern states.

  D. Income, geographic location, and gender are predictive of yearly clothing expenditures.

17.   Allison is editing a data set and finds that a response of 7 has been entered for a question that requests a response between 1 and 5. What should Allison do?
  A. Enter a response randomly between 1 and 5

  B. Enter a "3" as a neutral response

  C. Enter the mode for the question

  D. Enter a response of "unknown"

18.   Which term refers to a conversational style of oral presentation that relies on minimal notes?
  A. Extemporaneous presentation

  B. Formal presentation

  C. Executive summary

  D. Briefing

19.   An advertisement for the drug PLAVIX includes the following:
"You can do more to help protect yourself against a future heart attack or stroke—ask your doctor about adding PLAVIX. For most, heart attack or stroke is caused when platelets form clots that block the flow of blood to the heart or brain. Adding PLAVIX can go beyond your current treatment. PLAVIX, taken with aspirin, plays its own role in keeping platelets from sticking together and forming clots—which helps keep blood flowing."
If we were to conduct a content analysis of the PLAVIX advertisement, platelets would be considered _______ units.
  A. thematic

  B. referential

  C. propositional

  D. syntactical

20.   Which type of graphical depiction of frequency values uses a circle shape divided into triangles such that each triangle represents a frequency value?
  A. Pie chart

  B. Line graph

  C. Histogram

  D. Pareto diagram