BUSI535 Week 8 Final Exam


Question 1 (2 points)

Which of the following is necessary for the logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employees?

1)            The organization has adopted a thorough competency modeling approach

2)            Qualifications carry over from one job to another

3)            That each candidate is assessed based on his or her unique experiences

4)            Anonymous periodic reviews of applicant files to ensure accuracy


Question 2 (2 points)

The most accurate description of the basic purpose of a selection plan is _________________.

1) A selection plan determines the means for attracting qualified job applicants

2) A selection plan matches applicants to outcome criteria

3) A selection plan describes predictors to be used to assess KSAOs required to perform the job

4) A selection plan consists of interview rating criteria


Question 3 (2 points)

Which of the following statements regarding resumes is true?

1)            Even background checks cannot reduce the problem of resume fraud

2)            Most surveys suggest that around half of all resumes have substantial inaccuracies or distortions

3)            Video resumes are highly respected by most employers

4)            Extensive evidence suggests that resumes are highly accurate predictors of employee job performance


Question 4 (2 points)

What are the most useful personality traits, in order, for selection contexts?

1)            Conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion

2)            Emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness to experience

3)            Agreeableness, openness to experience, extraversion

4)            Extraversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability


Question 5 (2 points)

Which of the following statements is false?

1)            There is little evidence that people fake their scores on personality tests in the hiring contexts

2)            When individuals believe their scores are being used for selection, their observed scores tend to increase

3)            Faking has a negative impact on the validity of personality tests

4)            None of these statements is false


Question 6 (2 points)

Interest inventories are designed to improve person job match by assessing applicant preferences for different types of work. Research suggests that these inventories __________________

1)            Are about as predictive of job performance as ability tests

2)            Are more predictive of job performance than ability tests

3)            Are not strongly predictive of job performance

4)            Are prohibited by law


Question 7 (2 points)

Where peer assessments are concerned, it would be accurate to say that ____________.

1)            Peer ratings rely on voting to select the most promotable applicants

2)            Peer assessments are used for both internal and external applicants

3)            Peer rankings rely on ordering of peers being assessed

4)            Peer rankings rely on assessments of each applicant using scores on a continuous numerical scale


Question 8 (2 points)

Which of the following factors is the most relevant to the theory behind assessment centers?

1) Prediction of the individual's behavior in critical roles through assessment by multiple methods.

2)            Matching applicants to KSAOs required by the job.

3)            Shortening the period of time needed to complete an assessment for a managerial position.

4)            Substituting HR assessors for line management assessors.


Question 9 (2 points)

Research on the use of selection and experience as internal selection methods indicates that


1)            Seniority is a more valid method of internal selection than experience

2)            Seniority is better suited to predict short-term rather than long-term potential

3)            Experience is less likely to be content valid if the past or present jobs are similar to the future job

4)            Experience is unlikely to remedy initial performance difficulties of low ability employees


Question 10 (2 points)

A significance level of p < 0.05 in a validity study means ____________.

1) That there are fewer than 5 chances in 100 of concluding there is a relationship in the population of job applicants, when in fact, there is not

2) That there are 5 chances in 100 of concluding that there is not a relationship in the population of job applicants, when in fact, there is

3) That the practical significance of the observed relationship is very low

4) That there are fewer than 5 chances in 100 that a predictor has adverse impact


Question 11 (2 points)

 Under which circumstances is "hiring success gain" likely to be optimal?

1)            Low selection ratio, low base rate, high validity

2)            High selection ratio, high base rate, high validity

3)            High selection ratio, low base rate, high validity

4)            High selection ratio, low base rate, low validity


Question 12 (2 points)

If cutoff score is lowered, the effect of this on hiring results is likely to be _____________.

1)            Fewer false negatives only

2)            Both fewer false negatives and more true positives

3)            Fewer false negatives and fewer false positives

4)            More false negatives and more false positives


Question 13 (2 points)

Evidence from a number of different studies in work organizations has shown that idiosyncratic deals are associated with what outcomes?

1)            Resentment from co-workers who have different arrangements

2)            Higher levels of satisfaction, commitment, and engagement

3)            Exceptionally high labor costs

4)            All of these


Question 14 (2 points)

In using information about competitors to structure job offers, which of the following statements is not useful as a general guideline?

1)            It makes a difference who the competitors are.

2)            Competitive offers should always be matched to ensure acceptance.

3)            Analysis of competitive advertisements should be performed in order to have the "market information" needed to prepare effective job offers.

4)            Trade associations should be consulted for competitive information whenever possible.


Question 15 (2 points)

As a general rule concerning job offers, it can be said that ________________.

1)            "Low ball" job offers are expensive to the organization

2)            "Market-matching" job offers have no important drawbacks

3)            "Market-matching" job offers tend to leave room to negotiate

4)            "Market-matching" offers usually stimulate the most positive reactions on the part of offer recipients.


Question 16 (2 points)

Which of the following factors is most likely to be a reason not to outsource HR activities?

1)            Vendors have little expertise

2)            Vendors are less flexible to meet changing needs

3)            Vendors have few resources to offer

4)            Vendors meet resistance within HR and line management


Question 17 (2 points)

Which of the following statements is (are) not an important step in staffing process evaluations?

1) Mapping out the intended process.

2) Identifying deviations from the intended process.

3) The norm is for organizations to conduct validation studies.

4) Correction actions should be planned to eliminate deviations.


Question 18 (2 points)

The four common types of staffing metrics evaluate _______________.

1) Performance, process, quantity, and quality

2)            Rectification, justification, elaboration, and relation

3)            Cost, timeliness, outcomes, and reactions

4)            Speed, diligence, dedication, and perseverance


Question 19 (2 points)

Research most clearly suggests that when organizations wish to increase retention they need to ______________.

1)  Provide team-building

2)            Convince employees that there are few alternatives

3)            Offer "bundles" of HR practices that complement one another

4)            Demonstrate executive commitment to outreach


Question 20 (2 points)

Which of the following is not a part of normal progressive discipline?

1)            Give employees notice of the rules of conduct

2)            Provide employees with alternative employment if performance problems persist

3)            Allow for full investigation of alleged employee misconduct

4)            Give employee the right to appeal a decision


Question 21 (5 points)

 In what ways are the following three initial assessment methods similar and in what ways are they different: Application blanks, biographical information, and reference and background checks?


Question 22 (5 points)

 How would you advise an organization considering adopting a cognitive ability test in  selection.


Question 23 (5 points)

 What is the best way to collect and use drug-testing data in selection decisions?


Question 24 (5 points)

 What are the differences between peer ratings, peer nominations, and peer rankings?


Question 25 (5 points)

 Explain the theory behind assessment centers.


Question 26 (5 points)

 Describe the three different types of interview simulations.


Question 27 (5 points)

 What are the positive consequences associated with a high predictor cutoff score?  What are the negative consequences?


 Question 28 (5 points)

 What guidelines do the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures offer to organizations when it comes to setting cutoff scores?


Question 29 (5 points)

 If you were the HR staffing manager for an organization, what guidelines might you recommend regarding oral and written communication with the job applicants by members of the organization?


Question 30 (5 points)

What are the steps an employer should take to develop and implement its policy regarding employment-at-will?


Question 31 (5 points)

 What are the advantages of having a centralized staffing function, as opposed to letting each manager be totally responsible for all staffing activities in his or her unit?


Question 32 (5 points)

Discuss some potential problems with downsizing as an organization's first response to a need to cut labor costs.