Assignment Questions:
Please show all work for this quiz and explain your derivations. Lack of step-by-step work will not be credited. Partial credit will be given for step-by-step description of answer.
a. In trip calculation, it is observed that a Wal-Mart store driver successfully made a total of 120 trips in a given period of time. During field calculation, it is shown that the calculated number of trips is actually 144. What is the value of the adjustment factor? ____ (14 points)
b. It is shown that the population of New York City, NY is much greater than that of Irvington, NJ. Employment opportunities, malls, social activities and tourist sites in New York City are therefore more than that in Irvington. If attractiveness for New York and Irvington are therefore 1,600 and 160 respectively and if the calculated impedance of migration is known to be 1.57, based on Gravity-Based model, estimate in demands, the number of people who travel between Irvington, NJ and New York City per week. ____ (14 points)
c. Elasticity can be defined as percentage change in demand for a 1% change in decision attribute. For linear aggregate demand, what is the mathematical representation/formula for this statement? You must define the parameters you choose to use for this answer. ____ (14 points)
d. In the City of Joplin, due to weather devastation and hurricane effects, the cost of parking in the local Square has increased by 15%. This change has not only reduced the number of vehicles that travel to the Square by 10%, but it has also forced the inhabitants of Joplin to use buses. Bus trips have therefore increased to 25%. With respect to the cost of parking in the local Square, determine the elasticity of vehicle traffic. ____ (14 points)
e. In your own words, describe the meaning of average cost. You normally buy a crate of wine for $75. One crate has 8 bottles of wine. After a month, the store clerk informs you that the same crate of wine now costs $82. However, there are 10 bottles in a crate. To the nearest cent, determine the average cost of the crate from last month to now. ____ (14 points)
f. In your own words, describe the meaning of marginal cost. You normally buy a crate of wine for $75. One crate has 8 bottles of wine. After a month, the store clerk informs you that the same crate of wine now costs $82. However, there are 10 bottles in a crate. To the nearest cent, determine the marginal cost for one additional bottle of wine now. (15 points)
g. In your own words, describe the meaning of unit travel. When traveling on a Greyhound bus, without intervention or obstruction, it is important to determine the unit travel time. If you leave Cleveland in a bus full of 30 passengers and arrive Cincinnati in 4 hours, what will be the average unit travel time in person minutes? ____ (15 points)
Case Study 1:
Do a library or Internet search on Efficiency Analysis and efficiency ratios. In 2 to 3 pages, find a topic that you feel is interesting. You are my Director of Operations. I have just requested an analysis of this topic for you to possibly being promoted to VP. I want you to pin point an issue and perform an efficiency analysis that will save my company money.
Please upload a Word document using APA format for this assignment (see attached for the template). This assignment will have a title page, no abstract or content list, 2-3 pages of reported information, and a reference page. Again, it has to be turned in on the template and APA compliant.(3 Points)
Case Study 2:
Please upload a Word document using APA format for this assignment (see attached for the template). Do a library or Internet search on a Visual Impact Assessment, in two to three pages; please provide a visual impact assessment on any item you wish. You do not need approval from me; however, I do expect the realm of this case study to be tasteful and free of undesirable content.
Rubric Category | Point Val. Your Points | |
Paper meets the specified pages or word length, demonstrates thorough understanding of the reading assignment, reflects critical thought, and relates to course content and/or industry applications. Length required _ pages____, __ pages___ turned in. | 20 | 20 |
Ideas and concepts are supported through resources and/or personal experiences. Case study exhibits truthful and verifiable statements. | 40 | 30 |
Posts are free of writing errors (syntax, grammar, etc.) Try to avoid using needless fillers i.e. that. I did not count those as errors this time. Also, free of APA format errors. ___ Errors – 1-4 =.9 5-7= .8, 8-10= .7, 11-12= .6, 13-14= .5, 15-17= .4, 18= .3, 19= .2, 20= .1, 21 or more 0. | 40 | 35 |
Total | 100 | 85 |
Assignment Questions:
Please show all work for this assignment and explain your derivations. Lack of step-by-step work will not be credited. Partial credit will be given for step-by-step description of answer.
a. NAAQS were established for six principal pollutants. Describe each and give examples of each applicable pollutant. (10 points)
b. In Hepburn's Speed Model, the coefficients of vehicles are indicated for C and D. As the chief of operations in your organization, you are responsible for presenting the yearly budget for the semi trucks in your company's inventory. Since your safety officer is insisting that each of your drivers must maintain an average speed of 55mph, what would be the vehicle operating cost of your company for each semi-truck in cent per mile? ____(10 points)
c. A taxi driver plans to pick you up at the airport and drop you off at the bank so you can complete some financial transaction before you head home. He notes that the change in vehicle operating cost (VOC) is 42 cents per mile. Given that his fuel consumption per minute is 0.2, what is the approximate price of fuel for this given arrangement if you delayed the driver for 36 minutes at the bank? ____(10 points)
d. The simple interest for buying a passenger transit rail is shown as the product of the principle amount (P), time (in years), and annual rate (R). The City of Phoenix plans to buy five additional mass transit cars for $15 million, and pay off its loan in 30 years. What would the annual percentage rate be if the city plans to make an interest payment of $2 million? ____(10 points)
e. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles. To the nearest mile, what will be this distance? ____(10 points)
f. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles. For a pollutant particle emitted on one side of the town, what is the maximum time it will take to be transported across the city with wind velocity of 10 miles per hour (to the nearest hour)? ____(12 points)
g. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles. To the nearest hour what will be the average time it will take a particle to travel from one side to the other (to the nearest hour)? ____(12 points)
h. If you are the planning engineer for an apartment complex your organization plans to build close to the highway and you know that your potential tenants will complain of traffic noise hazards. You want to assure them that you have adequately carried out the noise impact analysis. Given that the sea level pressure is 0.00002N/m, to ensure that pressure level does not exceed 12 decibels, the sound pressure of concern must be___________ (in N/m). ____(13 points)
i. In the Rocky Mountain region, there are endangered species like jumping mice and burrowing owls that are protected by the /EPA. If you want to build a roadway to facilitate traffic congestions in Denver, part of your plan will include using Simpson's diversity index to calculate the number of organisms in two communities. If EPA warned you that there are 400 burrowing owls in proposed region Community A and 500 burrowing owls in proposed region Community B, determine Simpson's diversity index for community A. ____(13 points)
Question 1
Today's urban transportation planning process is being impacted by the President's Stimulus Plan. High speed rail is one such option to congestion along the highways of urban areas. These projects have two sides to them. There are those who support high speed rail and those who do not support high speed rail. You have been chosen to not support the Stimulus Plan for use of high speed rail to ease congestion. Your task is to help decision makers make up their minds. So, you are now on the opposing side. Discuss how this Stimulus Plan for high speed rail will not work. You can use any reference. But, you must also present your opinion based on facts and data, not just because you don't like it. You will have to provide evidence to back up what you believe is a bad idea. (25 points)
Question 2
Most (97 percent) roads and streets in the United States are under the jurisdiction of State and local governments. The Federal jurisdiction is mainly limited to National Parks, National Forests, and other government-owned land. Discuss what issues and problems might be common between the Federal jurisdiction and the State and Local governments, and what issues and problems might be unique to the Federal government compared to the State and local governments. List the common and unique attributes and provide a brief explanation to support your choice. Use references in APA format and also offer your own opinion on what you think of these issues and problems. (25 points)
Question 3
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect on January 1, 1994. This sweeping agreement is designed to open the borders separating Canada, Mexico, and the United States to the free exchange of goods and services. There are many pros and cons of NAFTA that have emerged since 1994. The future of NAFTA is in the wind these days. It may fail or succeed for the next ten years. You job is to help Congress and other decision makers to decide what course of action they should take regarding NAFTA's future. You are to take the side that NAFTA is a bad business investment; you are to represent the "con" side of the argument. So, discuss why you would defeat or destroy NAFTA or morph it from its current state to some other new state. (25 points)
Question 4
In early 1990s with a second wave of low-cost carriers (LCCs), which led to the second period of strong traffic growth from early 1993 through early 2000, Southwest Airlines arguably provided the blueprint for U.S. Between 2006 and 2009 a fuel crisis happened and a recession for business and the transportation industry. What is the impact today on LCC's in order to be competitive in this economy coming on the heels of this recession? (25 points)
TLMT601 Week 8 Assignment 6 Research Paper
Please upload a Word document using APA format for this assignment (see attached for the template). In a 3-5 page paper, please pick out a subject from the readings that you deem interesting. Please make sure that this paper has never been used in any shape for or fashion for a grade, certificate, or award. Your paper should have the following (APA formatted).
1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Report
5. Conclusion
6. Reference page
The 3-5 pages only refer to items 3-5. The other 3 items do not count. Also, you must use the attached template. Make sure you update the title page, headers, and remove ALL instructions. Points will be deducted if not followed.