SOCI331 Week 1 Discussion

Week 1: Foundation of Social Research

Remember that your initial post should be at least 250 words.  You need to respond to at least two other students.  Responses should be at least 150 words.  Initial Discussion posts are due Thursdays, peer responses are due Sundays. To motivate engaged discussion, posts are expected to be on time with regular interaction throughout the week.

For this discussion, you are required to answer both Parts 1 and 2:

Part 1

Introduce yourself to the class in 50 words or less! Also acknowledge you have read the syllabus and welcome message and that you understand the course policies, expectations and due dates. 

Part 2

There is a difference between scientific and non-scientific knowledge. You will need to watch, listen, or read the news from whatever source you choose (TV, internet, radio). Pay attention to the conversation or what you are reading and focus on when the article, commentators, or guests use statistics or facts in their argument. Is what you heard scientific or non-scientific knowledge? What is the difference between scientific and non-scientific knowledge? How are you able to determine if what you heard was scientific or non-scientific knowledge? Did the information that you read, saw, or heard convince you of the argument?

For more information on Scientific and Non-Scientific knowledge, please watch the short video below: