SOCI332 Week 4 Discussion Crosstabs

This week's main Discussion requires you to answer the question completely and correctly to receive full credit. 

This week we talk about the uses of a crosstabulation (crosstabs) and the benefits of creating this "snapshot" of your data.

For this forum, provide a brief introduction to your study to remind your classmates what we are reading about here.  Include:

  1. Your overall research question
  2. The research hypothesis and null hypothesis

Next, create a crosstab for your data and include it in the post.  Be sure to explain your findings, including a description of the data, a calculation of the epsilons, and a discussion of the 10% rule. The epsilons in short are the differences between the highest and lowest column % in any given row.  As long as one epsilon makes the 10% threshold, we'll deem two variables have "enough" going on to with each other to warrant further statistical analysis.