CHFD230 Video Journals Weeks 1, 2 and 3


Assignments in this course will consist of weekly video journals. You will watch the videos and then write a weekly journal in Weeks 1, 2,3, 5, 6 and 7. Video journals 1, 2 and 3 will be submitted as a single word document submission at the end of Week 3. Video journals 5, 6 and 7 will be submitted as a single word document submission at the end of Week 7. Please complete each video journal at the end of the assigned week and do not wait until the week the submission is due. This will allow you ample time to view the video, process the information and respond to the questions posed as the end of each video week. Be sure to allow ample time in your week as some weeks have multiple videos and some videos are lengthy in nature. Be sure to review the grading rubric before completing the questions.

An important note about this course: This course covers many sensitive topics regarding child abuse and neglect which are an important part of the child welfare and advocacy field of study. If you find that you are having difficulty completing any work in this course due to the nature of the material, please reach out to your instructor for guidance.

Week 1 – Role of children in society throughout history and the changing family. Please watch the videos listed below and respond to the following questions.

The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children - History:

Make a Difference! Report Child Abuse and Neglect:

Questions for Week 1:

  • Start off your journal entry by providing a summary for each video.
  • Was there anything that surprised you?
  • How do the videos relate to the Lesson Material this week? Be sure to support your answers with facts from the lesson/lectures.
  • Are you a Mandated Reporter? Support your answer by providing the Mandated Reporting Law for your state.
  • Conclude your entry with your "take-aways" – what did you learn, agree with, disagree with, want to learn more about, etc.?

Week 2 – The impact of poverty and violence on children. Please watch the videos listed below and respond to the following questions.

How does "toxic stress" of poverty hurt the developing brain.

First Impressions: Exposure to Violence and a Child's Developing Brain.

Harvard Research: Poverty begins in the womb but it doesn't have to.

Questions for Week 2:

  • Start off your journal entry by providing a summary for each video.
  • Explain what makes growing up in poverty and/or domestic violence potentially dangerous for a child. Make sure to support your answers with facts from the Lesson/Lectures.
  • Conclude your entry with your "take-aways" – what did you learn, agree with, disagree with, want to learn more about, etc.?

Week 3 – When caretakers are battling addiction and/or mental health issues. Please watch the videos listed below and respond to the following questions.

One Nation Overdosed: How Children Cope with a Parent's Addiction.

Lessons from a Child of an Addict.

Drug Dependent Infants Detox at Tenn NICU.

Supporting Parents with Co-Occurring Disorders in Child Welfare 

Questions for Week 3:

  • Start off your journal entry by providing a summary for each video.
  • Based on what you learned this week, as you listen to Tory's story, what stands out to you? What are the red flags?
  • Based on what you learned this week, what stands out to you about Emily's story? What does her story have in common with the Lesson Material?
  • Based on what you learned this week, is it possible for a parent/s with a mental illness to raise children?
  • Make sure to support your answers with facts from the Lesson Material.
  • Conclude your entry with your "take-aways" – what did you learn, agree with, disagree with, want to learn more about, etc.?

Please see Grading Rubric for information on how your submission will be graded.