BM410 Lesson 6 and 7 Exam Score 95 Percent

Question 1

To implement a new or modified reward system, sales managers should do all of the following except

Question options:

clearly communicate details of the plan to the salesforce prior to its implementation.

encourage salesforce feedback.

promptly answer questions.

issue a press release detailing the company's changes.

Question 2

The most widely used type of financial pay plan is

Question options:

straight salary.

salary plus a bonus.

a combination pay plan.

straight salary plus expenses.

Question 3

Which of the following is an example of a selling situation requiring a commission split?

Question options:

A field salesperson sells a computer to a customer and sometime after the sale, it requires a service call from a company service technician.

A salesperson needs help from a salaried technical expert to provide a potential customer with certain information.

A large company purchases products from a company and ships them to its affiliates in several cities. The selling firm's salespeople in these cities are then required to provide follow-up and service.

A salesperson provides a list of referrals that aren't in his or her territory to the salesperson covering that territory.

Question 4

________ implies that salespeople choose where their effort will be spent among various job activities.

Question options:





Question 5

Current spendable income includes

Question options:

salaries and commissions, but not bonuses.

salaries only.

salaries, commissions, and bonuses.

any cash award, but not bonuses such as merchandise or free trips.

Question 6

Flexibility has been cited as both an advantage and a disadvantage of this compensation pay plan:

Question options:

Straight salary

Combination pay plans

Straight commission

Straight commission with bonuses

Question 7

When it's difficult for the salesperson to secure the first order from the customer, but reorders are virtually automatic, what form of commission rate would be appropriate?

Question options:



A combination of constant and progressive rates


Question 8

Which one of the following forms of commission rate may actually result in overselling and higher selling costs to the company?

Question options:



a combination of constant and regressive rates.


Question 9

Perhaps the most serious shortcoming of straight-commission plans is that

Question options:

salespeople may earn more than their managers.

they contribute little to company loyalty, resulting in potential <br /> salesforce control problems.

the firm suffers financially if the market declines or stagnates.

they link compensation to actual sales.

Question 10

A salesperson who is intrinsically motivated

Question options:

is motivated by the rewards that the job provides.

is motivated by the need for love and belongingness.

finds the job to be inherently rewarding.

finds that the job's fringe benefits, pay, and generous vacation policy provide motivation.

Question 11

When a sales manager assures salespeople that they fulfill a critical role in revenue production and other key activities within the company, which type of nonfinancial reward is being offered?

Question options:

Opportunity for personal growth

Recognition for achievement

Sense of accomplishment

Job security

Question 12

A salesperson who is extrinsically motivated

Question options:

would work for the pure pleasure of working.

doesn't need or desire formal recognition for outstanding achievements.

is motivated by personal growth needs.

is motivated by the rewards that the job provides.

Question 13

_______ rewards are those that are given in return for acceptable performance or effort.

Question options:





Question 14

If the nonselling administrative duties of the salesperson are of major importance, which compensation plan is recommended?

Question options:

Straight salary

Salary plus bonuses

Straight commission

Salary plus commission

Question 15

The amount of mental and physical effort put forth by the salesperson refers to

Question options:





Question 16

What change in the firm's salesforce reward system might be in response to customers' needs?

Question options:

A pay freeze

A change from straight commission to straight salary

The introduction of a sales contest

A change from straight salary to straight commission

Question 17

Which of the following is an advantage of a straight-commission compensation plan?

Question options:

Operating costs are minimized during slack selling periods.

They are highly flexible, allowing frequent changes in compensation practices to achieve short-term objectives.

They are attractive to college graduates desiring an opportunity to earn while they train.

The salesforce's loyalty to the company is enhanced.

Question 18

The most commonly used definitions of motivation include which of the following three dimensions?

Question options:

Intensity, degree, persistence

Severity, direction, perseverance

Persistence, intensity, direction

Instruction, degree, tenacity

Question 19

Industries that have traditionally used a straight-commission-based compensation pay plan include all of the following except

Question options:

real estate.




Question 20

Formal recognition programs have a better chance of success if sales managers do all of the following except

Question options:

publicize the program before it is implemented.

make it easy enough to allow for a majority of the salesforce to win.

ensure that the celebration for winners is well-conceived and executed.

arrange for individual salespeople or sales teams to acknowledge the <br /> support of others who helped them win the award.

Online Exam 7


Question 21

Which of the following provides a benchmark for the evaluation of selling costs?

Question options:

Sales quotas

Selling budgets

Cost quotas

Variance analysis

Question 22

In this type of profitability analysis, the shared selling costs are allocated to individual units based on some type of cost allocation procedure:

Question options:

The contribution approach to income statement analysis

The full-cost approach to residual income analysis

Return on assets managed approach

The full-cost approach to income statement analysis

Question 23

A more centralized sales organization will place budget responsibility

Question options:

with the sales manager.

with the salesperson.

at lower sales management levels.

at higher sales management levels.

Question 24

In a sales analysis, which of the following comparisons would not be made?

Question options:

Comparisons with forecasts

Comparisons with previous period

Comparisons between actual and budgeted costs

Comparisons with industry/competitors

Question 25

Which method of determining expenditure levels for selling expense categories depends upon accurate sales forecasts?

Question options:

Objective and task method

Zero-based budgeting

Cost-justification method

Percentage-of-sales method

Question 26

The sales growth experienced by different organizational levels can be determined by

Question options:

a comparison of actual sales results to those achieved by competitors.

a comparison of actual sales results to sales forecasts.

a comparison of actual sales results to sales quotas.

a comparison of actual sales results to previous periods' sales.

Question 27

The basic concept underlying the use of this analytical method is that costs are allocated to individual units on the basis of how the units actually expend or cause these costs.

Question options:

Activity-based costing

Cost analysis

Profitability analysis

Hierarchical sales analysis

Question 28

The basic form of this method for determining expenditure levels for selling expense categories could be called zero-based budgeting:

Question options:

Objective and task method

Profitability projections

Cost-justification method

Profit margin budgeting

Question 29

The _______ method calculates an expenditure level for each category by multiplying an expenditure percentage times forecasted sales.

Question options:

objective and task

expenditure projection



Question 30

Probably the most often used method to establish selling budgets is

Question options:

objective and task method.

profitability projections.

cost-justification method.

percentage-of-sales method.

Question 31

The two most direct approaches for evaluating sales organization effectiveness are

Question options:

sales analysis and income statement analysis.

productivity analysis and cost analysis.

sales analysis and cost analysis.

residual income analysis and sales analysis.

Question 32

An evaluation of sales results throughout the sales organization from a top-down perspective is a

Question options:

hierarchical sales analysis.

scaled sales analysis.

stepladder sales analysis.

pyramid sales analysis.

Question 33

Calculate the profit contribution as a percentage of sales to be used in the ROAM calculation. If sales = $20,000,000; accounts receivable = $8,000,000; and profit contribution = $5,000,000, the profit contribution is

Question options:

20 percent.

40 percent.

50 percent.

25 percent.

Question 34

In budgeting for each expense category, a sales manager should attempt to

Question options:

set the budget at the lowest possible level.

determine the lowest expenditure level necessary to achieve the sales quotas.

cut costs from last year's level of expenditure.

justify the highest possible level of expenditure in order to have some flexibility in the budget.

Question 35

In this approach to profitability analysis, the indirect or shared costs are not included in the individual unit analysis:

Question options:

The contribution approach to income statement analysis

The full-cost approach to residual income analysis

Return on assets managed approach

The full-cost approach to income statement analysis.

Question 36

Which of the following would not be an expense category for a selling budget?

Question options:

Recruiting expenses

Salespeople's lodging expenses

Production expense

Salespeople's salaries

Question 37

Productivity improvements can be obtained by

Question options:

increasing output.

increasing input.

increasing output with the same level of input.

increasing input with the same level of output.

Question 38

Recruitment, selection, and sales training are examples of factors considered in which area of the sales organization audit framework?

Question options:

Sales-management evaluation

Sales-organization strategies

Sales-organization environment

Sales-management functions

Question 39

District 1 has a poor level of ROAM. However, their profit contribution percentage is acceptable, but they have a very low asset turnover ratio. What might cause this?

Question options:

Selling too many low-margin products

Problems with accounts payable

Negotiating low selling prices

Problems with accounts receivable

Question 40

The most common type of sales organization assessment focuses on

Question options:

cost analysis.

profitability analysis.

productivity analysis.

sales analysis.