BM410 Lesson 8 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT

Question 1

Which type of criterion assesses improvements in certain characteristics of salespeople that are related to successful performance in the sales job?

Question options:



Professional development


Question 2

The more a salesperson performance evaluation system is behavior-based rather than outcome-based,

Question options:

the less likely that risk-averse salespeople will be attracted, nurtured, and retained.

the more salespeople will have reduced levels of intrinsic motivation.

the less salespeople identify with and feel committed to the sales organization.

the less the need for using pay as a control mechanism.

Question 3

Which one of the following evaluation procedures uses salespeople to identify important performance results and the critical activities and responses necessary to achieve these results?

Question options:

Graphic rating/checklist method

Team-evaluation consensus

Management by objectives (MBO)

Behaviorally anchored rating scales(BARS)

Question 4

The mutual setting of well-defined and measurable goals within a specified time period is a concept incorporated into which type of performance evaluation method?

Question options:

Graphic rating/checklist method

Ranking method

Management by objectives (MBO)

Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

Question 5

Practicality, a characteristic of salesperson performance evaluation methods, can be defined as

Question options:

the need for the measurement instruments and evaluation process to be similar throughout the sales organization.

the ability of the measure to provide accurate assessments of the criteria they're intended to measure.

the ability of the measure to meet the needs of the sales organization.

the need for both sales managers and salespeople to understand the entire performance-appraisal process and to be able to implement the process in a reasonable amount of time.

Question 6

Usefulness, a characteristic of salesperson performance evaluation methods, can be defined as

Question options:

the need for the measurement instruments and evaluation process to be similar throughout the sales organization.

the ability of the measure to provide accurate assessments of the criteria they're intended to measure.

the ability of the measure to provide information that is valuable to sales managers in making various decisions.

the need for the measures to be stable over time and exhibit internal consistency.

Question 7

Which of the following statements concerning performance management is false?

Question options:

Salespeople are compensated on the value of their contributions to the <br /> organization's success.

Salespeople assume responsibility for their careers.

Sales managers act as partners in the performance appraisal process.

Sales managers create development plans for salespeople to follow.

Question 8

The initial use of the information provided by the various salesperson performance evaluation methods is

Question options:

to identify potential problems in training.

to determine the absolute and relative performance of each salesperson.

to identify areas where salespeople need to improve for better performance in the future.

to use the information to improve the overall operations of the sales organization.

Question 9

The results of salesperson performance evaluations can be used for all of these sales management purposes except to

Question options:

identify salespeople that might need to be terminated and to supply <br /> evidence to support the need for termination.

identify salespeople that might be promoted.

assess the adequacy of a firm's sales management process and to provide <br /> direction for improved performance and prescription for needed changes.

ensure that compensation and other reward disbursements are consistent <br /> with actual salesperson performance.

Question 10

When using a 360-degree feedback system, feedback may be obtained from

Question options:


one's sales manager.

customers or team members.

Any or all of the above.

Question 11

The dimensions of job satisfaction that the INDSALES scale attempts to measure include all of the following except

Question options:

company policy and support.

the job.


competitor sales jobs.

Question 12

A behavior-based perspective to evaluating and controlling salesperson performance

Question options:

focuses on objective measures of results.

has very little monitoring or directing of salespersons by sales managers.

incorporates complex and often subjective assessments of salesperson characteristics.

may lead to a focus on short-term outcomes.

Question 13

When attempting to use the diagnostic information provided by salesperson-evaluation methods, the major difficulty is in

Question options:

reviewing the performance of each individual salesperson against each relevant criterion.

attempting to summarize the results across all salespeople being supervised.

isolating the specific causes of low performance.

determining which salespeople aren't meeting their sales quotas.

Question 14

In salesperson evaluations, which one of the following behavioral criterion do most sales organizations focus on?

Question options:

Number of demonstrations conducted

Number of required reports submitted

Number of customer calls

Number of letters/phone calls to prospects

Question 15

Which of the following statements regarding the use of outcome-based and behavior-based perspectives in the evaluation of salesperson performance is false?

Question options:

A review of current practice indicates a tendency toward a <br /> behavior-based perspective.

Most sales organizations operate somewhere between the two extreme positions.

The relative emphasis on outcome-based and behavior-based measures <br /> depends upon environmental, firm, and salesperson considerations.

A salesperson's performance on post-sale service is considered a <br /> behavior-based measure.

Question 16

The sample statement, "Management is progressive," used in the INDSALES scale would be attempting to measure which dimension of job satisfaction?

Question options:


Promotion and advancement


Company policy and support

Question 17

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) are a unique evaluation procedure because they're the only method that

Question options:

tries to link salesperson behaviors with specific results.

tries to link salesperson behaviors with promotability.

attempts to correlate sales-training methods with sales results.

uses behavior to predict a salesperson's level of motivation.

Question 18

Which method of salesperson performance evaluation has been described as having problems related to the "halo effect"?

Question options:

Graphic rating/checklist method

Ranking methods

Management by objectives (MBO)

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS).

Question 19

All of the following are benefits of a 360-degree feedback system except

Question options:

it reduces assessment bias.

it detects barriers to success.

it eliminates sales manager involvement.

it helps better understand customer needs.

Question 20

Which of the following statements regarding the use of the scale termed INDSALES is false?

Question options:

It's a scale for evaluating the job satisfaction of salespeople.

In using the scale, salespeople indicate their level of agreement with a <br /> number of statements concerning their particular sales job.

The scale uses statements designed to measure satisfaction in five <br /> general areas.

The answers salespeople give to the scale statements are summed to form <br /> an overall salesperson satisfaction score.