1. (U) Situation
Theater Logistics Analysis – Vietnam
2. (U) Host-Nation Support and Logistics Support Agreements
a. (U) Wartime Host-Nation Support (WHNS) and Logistics Support Agreements (LSA) with Vietnam
b. (U) ACSA/Petroleum Agreement with Vietnam
c. (U) Shipping and/or Airlift Support Agreements with Vietnam
3. (U) Strategic Air and Sea Ports of Debarkation
a. (U) Strategic Air Ports of Debarkation in Vietnam
b. (U) Strategic Sea Ports of Debarkation in Vietnam
4. (U) Pre-Positioned and Theater Reserve Stocks
5. (U) Joint Logistics Functions
6. (U) Logistics Capability Shortfalls
Theater Logistics Analysis – Vietnam
2. (U) Host-Nation Support and Logistics Support Agreements
a. (U) Wartime Host-Nation Support (WHNS) and Logistics Support Agreements (LSA) with Vietnam
b. (U) ACSA/Petroleum Agreement with Vietnam
c. (U) Shipping and/or Airlift Support Agreements with Vietnam
3. (U) Strategic Air and Sea Ports of Debarkation
a. (U) Strategic Air Ports of Debarkation in Vietnam
b. (U) Strategic Sea Ports of Debarkation in Vietnam
4. (U) Pre-Positioned and Theater Reserve Stocks
5. (U) Joint Logistics Functions
6. (U) Logistics Capability Shortfalls